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Ametys 4.0 is the latest major release of the open source content management tool. The new version features a sleeker, flatter design with minimalist icons. This new look simplifies use of the application and offers a more user-friendly, airy feel.
Ametys 4.0 provides new features to help you be more productive:
To find out more, see What's new in Ametys 4 .0
See the list of compatible browsers
Ametys is a modular application, which means that two separate installations can be functionally different.
Nevertheless, there is a common base, documented in the user manual.
To get started with Ametys, you can use these links describing common operations:
You can also browse the documentation for the following modules, among the most popular:
100% Open Source software
Ametys is an Open Source platform licensed under Apache.
It can be freely downloaded and modified.
L'application d'administration est accessible à l'adresse http://<>/_admin
Some useful links :
Ametys comes in the form of two classic J2EE applications (one for the back office, one for the front office).
In addition to being a user-friendly and easy-to-use tool, Ametys is a fully modular and customizable framework.
You can consult the list of available plugins . To add or configure a module, please refer to the installation and update manual , as well as to the module-specific page.
For developers wishing to modify and/or add to Ametys, specific resources are also available.
There are three main levels of customization: