System announcement


The System Announcement tool can be accessed by clicking on the Home Announcement button in the Operations tab:

This tool lets you set up personalized, multilingual welcome announcements. For example, to warn users of upcoming maintenance.

The list of ads is displayed in the tool:

Activate/deactivate ads

The Ad activation button allows you to modify the status of your ads:

The announcement will be displayed within 2 minutes on all screens of people connected to CMS (and on all new connections).

At CMS, the announcement is displayed as a banner alert when the user logs on to the interface.

Modify an ad

To modify an ad, select it from the list and click on the Modify ad button:

Add an ad

To add an ad, click on the "New ad" button:

Then enter the announcement text and the message language code. The '*' character in the Language field means that this message will be active for all other languages.

Delete an ad

To delete an ad, select it from the list and click on the Delete ad button:

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