1. Presentation
  2. Interface
  3. Features
  4. Editing form
    1. Field types
      1. Text field
      2. Multi-line text field
      3. Image field
      4. Date field
      5. Checkbox field
      6. Drop-down field
      7. Field group
      8. Rich text field
      9. Geolocation field


The online editor allows you to modify your content. It's through this form that you can fill in and edit each of the various content fields.

This tool can be accessed from the Content contextual tab (automatically visible when content is selected) using the Modify content For more information:
(please refer to the Update page content page to learn how to find and select page content)


After opening the online editor, your ribbon is updated with new buttons.
The central zone displays a form containing all your content fields:


Save & CloseSaves changes to your content and closes edit mode
Close without savingCloses edit mode without saving changes made since the last save.
A pop-up window will ask you to confirm your choice (see illustration below).

Confirmation pop-up window after choosing the Close without saving action:

You can also save your content without closing the editor, as you modify it. To do this, click on the arrow at the bottom of the Save & Close then select the action Register.

The Ribbon offers numerous other action buttons (see illustration above). These are specific to theediting of rich fields and are described in detail in the eponymous section. These buttons are therefore grayed out in most cases (i.e. when the active selection is not a Rich Text field).

Editing form

The edit form contains all the editable fields in your content. These fields can be of different types, implying visual and functional differences.

A content field can be either mandatory or optional. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk (*) to the left of the field label. It is not possible to save changes made to a content item if a mandatory field is not filled in. This is indicated by a red highlighting of the field and an exclamation mark icon. .

Example: The Title field of an Article content type is mandatory.

A description is available for each field. It is displayed using the icon to the right of the field. Simply move the mouse cursor over it to display the field description.

Field types

Text field

One-line text entry field.
Example: Article content title.

Multi-line text field

Multi-line text entry field.
Example: Header (or summary) of an Article content type.

Image field

Image selection field.
Example: The illustrative image associated with Article content.

You can choose between a local image (located on your hard disk) and an image shared through theresource explorer :

Once the image has been selected, a cross-shaped button deletes it, allowing you to enter a new one:

Date field

Field for entering a date.
Example: Start date field in news content.

The date can be selected by entering text directly into the field, but the easiest way is to use the widget graphics tool, accessible by clicking on the calendar icon.  to the right of the field.

Checkbox field

Field containing a checkbox, used to indicate a binary choice (yes/no type).
Example: Activation of comments in Article content.

Drop-down field

Field allowing the user to make a choice from a drop-down list.
Example: The Rights field in Article content.

Field group

Field groups are used to organize all form fields into categories.
They can be hidden/unhidden using the arrow to the left of the group name.
Example: The Properties field group (Dublin Core metadata) of an Article content type.

Rich text field

Rich Text (or Formatted Text) fields allow you to format text and insert static and dynamic elements into it.
This type of field requires a section of its own, given the large number of functions it offers: Editing rich fields.
Example: The Content field of an Article-type content. This is the field that contains the Article itself.

Geolocation field

A geolocation field lets you select a point on a Google Map to define its geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude).

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