The Graphic Charts tool lets you manage templates and graphic charts for your sites, directly from the administration interface. To open this tool, click on the Graphic Charts button in the Administration tab:
The tool displays the templates, as well as the graphic charts used and not used by your sites in your application:
A template is an entity that can be declined into several charters. It brings together all the common features of different charters in a single place, while leaving them free to configure certain characteristics, such as logos or the colors of certain zones. In this way, several charters can retain a certain graphic coherence while differing in certain finishes.
To import a graphic chart template, click on the Import a template button Ametys :
Then select the ZIP file of the model to be imported:
The template name will be determined from the ZIP file name. If a template already has this name, you can choose whether or not to replace the old template.
To reapply a template to the graphic charts that use it, select the template and click on the Reapply to charts button:
All chart files using this template will be replaced by those of the template, retaining the current settings of each chart.
To generate a graphic charter from a template, select the template from the list and click on the Generate Charter button:
Then enter the name of the graphic charter to be generated:
This action instantiates the template into a graphic charter that can then be used to create a website.
To filter the charts displayed and keep only those linked to the selected model, click on the button Reapply to charts :
To export a model, select it and click on the Export button :
To delete a model, select it and click on the Delete button:
A dialog box warns you of the consequences of this deletion and asks you to confirm it:
To import a graphic chart, click on the Import a chart button Ametys :
Then select the ZIP file of the chart to be imported:
The charter name will be determined from the ZIP file name. If a charter already has this name, you can choose whether or not to replace the old charter:
To reapply the template to a graphic charter, select the charter and click on the Reapply template button:
All charter files will be replaced by those of the template, retaining the current charter settings.
To duplicate a chart, select it and click on the Duplicate button :
A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to give the new chart a name.
To export a graphic charter, select it and click on the Export button:
To configure a chart, select it and click on the Configure button:
Here are the configuration parameters to be entered:
You can delete an unused graphic. To do this, select it and click on the Delete button:
To delete an existing graphic charter, you must first assign a new charter to the sites using it.
To remove the link between a chart and its template, select the chart and click on the Remove link to template button:
Please note that the charter can no longer be modified using the graphic charter tool.