Managing rights profiles and profile assignments

Rights profiles

The profiles listed and created through this interface (administration) are general profiles. They will be available for all sites.
Any webmaster (or user with group creation rights) can also create local profiles through the CMS interface ( Users, groups and rights tab CMS). These can only be used for the site in question. General profiles can only be viewed through this tool ( CMS interface), but cannot be modified in any way.

View rights profiles

In the Users, groups and rights tab, click on the Rights profiles button:

The Rights Profiles tool opens. On the left is a list of available rights profiles, and on the right a list of rights currently associated with the selected profile. These rights are grouped into categories:

Add a rights profile

To add a profile, click on the New Profile button:

Enter the name of the profile to be created:

Rename a rights profile

To rename a profile, select it from the list and click on the Rename button:

Enter the new profile name.

Delete a rights profile

To delete a profile, select it from the list and click on the Delete button:

A confirmation pop-up window is displayed to confirm your choice.

Modify the rights associated with a rights profile

To modify the rights associated with a profile, select it from the list and click on the Modify mode button:

You enter edit mode and can select the rights to be associated with the profile. Checked rights are those associated with the profile. You can then select or deselect rights to modify the selected profile:

From version 4.8 onwards, a filter has been introduced to facilitate the search for a right.

You can quickly select/deselect all rights using the Select All/Deselect All buttons in the ribbon.

You can quickly select/deselect all the rights in a category using the buttons to the right of the category heading:

You can then save your changes or cancel them by clicking on the corresponding button in the ribbon :

Profile assignment

Profile assignments made through this interface (administration) are made in the administration context.
Any webmaster (or user with the rights associated with group creation) can also assign rights profiles through the CMS interface ( Users, groups and rights tab of CMS). These will be applied to other contexts, such as content, pages, resources, etc.

View profile assignments

In the Users, groups and rights tab, click on the Profile assignment button:

The Profile Assignment tool opens. Assignments are presented in the form of a table. Columns represent profiles, rows represent users or user groups to which profiles are assigned:

From this table, you can assign user groups to different application rights profiles.

An assignment can have 3 states:

  •  indicates that no profile assignment could be determined for this user group,
  •  indicates that the rights profile is assigned to the user group,
  •  indicates that the user group is excluded from the rights profile.

Non-full icons, for example represent inherited assignment states. Above, Laurence Aumeunier has developer profile rights and is excluded from contributor rights because she is a member of the Developers group.

Add users

To add users, click on the Add users button:

Then select the users to whom you wish to assign profiles. You can search for users by name or login and/or filter them by population. You can select several users at a time:

Add user groups :

To add users, click on the Add users button:

Then select the groups to which you wish to assign profiles. You can search for groups by name and/or filter them by group directory. You can select several groups at once:

Delete assignments

If you remove a user's or group of users' assignments, they will regain the rights they naturally inherit.

To do this, select the user or group in the table, then click on the Delete assignments button:

Save changes

To save or cancel your changes, click on the corresponding button in the ribbon :

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