Virtual pages have default configurations. These configurations contain content and/or services. These virtual pages can be overloaded by project and by graphic charter.
Template attribute: The template for virtual pages. If not set, the "page" template will be set by default.
Beacon zoneAdd a zone.
Attribute id: The desired identifier for the zone. If the chosen id is already present, the last zone with the id will be kept.
Beacon serviceAdd a service
Attribute id: The identifier of the desired service
Content tag: Adds content to the virtual page. Allows you to choose where the page content will be displayed.
The "content" tag cannot be present for a virtual page that has no content. This causes an error: " Java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This virtual page does not have a content and the overriding configuration requires one."
Virtual page configuration overload
Par défaut Ametys propose une configuration pour chaque ensemble/type de pages virtuelles. Celles-ci se trouvent dans les plugins dans le répertoire"main/<nomPlugin>/virtual-pages/".
These default configurations are all overloadable.
Overloads are read in this order:
Graphic chart overload
Find the name of the XML file associated with the page type you want to override(fileName.xml)
Redefine this file XML in {skin }/virtual-pages/file-name .xml
Overload per project
Find the name of the XML file associated with the page type you want to override(fileName.xml)
Redefine this file XML in {AmetysHome}/WEB-INF/param/view/virtual-pages/file-name.xml
Default configuration.
The charter configuration will therefore take precedence over the project configuration, and both will take precedence over the default configuration.