As of Ametys 4.2, this new service will replace all existing search services.

  1. Structure
  2. Code HTML
    1. Search criteria
    2. Search results
      1. Hidden form
      2. No results
      3. Hits
      4. Pagination: More results / Infinite scroll
      5. Tris
        1. Example of sorting via a drop-down list: 
      6. Veneers
    3. Examples
  3. AJAX loading
  4. Helpers
  5. Console


The Research department consists of several parts:

  • Search criteria
    Search form based on service parameters with values to be entered and button to submit form
  • Search results
    Dynamic" section displays
    • hits
      Contains the results found, which can be of different types depending on the settings: Contents, Pages, Documents...
    • pagination
      The service manages pagination of results according to parameters.
      2 types of pagination are supported: classic pagination by number, or loading pages one under the other via a "See more results" button or an infinite scroll.
    • sorting
      The visitor can choose the sorting options based on the following parameters
    • facets
      The service manages facets
    • hidden form
      Returns current search criteria when faceting, sorting or paging
    • no results
      Displays a message when the search returns no results

The service manages many parameters, but a given view may choose to implement only some of them.
For example, a content feed may omit the search criteria part, but will still need to implement the minimum technical elements described below.

The parameter that manages the location of search results (under the criteria, instead of the criteria, on another page) is applied in javascript, which requires certain code to be included in HTML HTML .


The search service comes with a javascript file that manages form submission, ajax pagination, etc. This implies the following constraints on the code.

Search criteria

The criteria must be positioned in the following code:

<form data-ametys-search-role="form">   

Search results

La partie "résultats" (hits, pagination, tri et facette) doit être regroupée au sein d'un tag html (par exemple un <div>).

<div data-ametys-search-role="search-results">   

This part of the code will be dynamically replaced in AJAX when searching, paging, sorting...

This element must contain the following elements(which do not have to be included within each other):

Hidden form

In order for pagination, sorting and faceting to retain the last search criteria, a hidden form must be inserted.

<form data-ametys-search-role="form-criteria-hidden">   

This form is inserted by the "form-criteria-hidden" helper (see below).

No results

Lorsque la recherche ne renvoie rien, le code pour afficher à l'utilisateur que la recherche n'a rien renvoyé doit être inséré dans une balise portant un attribut spécial (par exemple un <div>)

<div data-ametys-search-role="no-result">  


Les réponses trouvées à la recherche doivent être encapsulés dans un seul élément parent portant un attribut spécial (par exemple un <div> ou un <ul>). Cela servira pour le chargement des pages suivants dans le cadre d'un scroll infini par exemple.

<ul data-ametys-search-role="hits">   

Pagination: More results / Infinite scroll

The section of code that starts the loading of more results ("see more results" button or "infinite loading" zone) must be enclosed in a tag with a special attribute.

<div data-ametys-search-role="show-more">   

Please note that, as mentioned above, this zone must not be part of any other zone, particularly the hits zone.
This element is automatically displayed/hidden at javascript.


The sort currently in use must be indicated in a hidden field and carried by a special attribute.

<input type="hidden" data-ametys-search-role="current-sort">   

This field is inserted by a helper.

Example of sorting via a drop-down list: 
<xsl:template name="sorts-list"> 
<select class="ametys-results-sort__control" name="sort"> 
<xsl:attribute name="onchange">eval("function a(){" + this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('onselect') + "}"); try {; } catch(e) { }; return true;</xsl:attribute> 

<xsl:for-each select="/search/form/sorts/sort"> 
<option value="{@name}"> 
<xsl:attribute name="onselect"><xsl:call-template name="search-js-sort"/></xsl:attribute> 

<xsl:call-template name="sort-element-selected-or-not"/> 


Les différentes valeurs d'une facette doivent être englobés par un élément HTML portant un attribut spécial (par exemple un <div>) ainsi qu'un deuxième attribut portant le nom de la facette.

<div data-ametys-search-role="facet-filter" data-ametys-search-facet-name="XXX">   

Each facet value must then carry a special attribute indicating whether or not the facet is selected.

<input type="checkbox" data-ametys-search-role="facet-selected|facet-unselected">   

This field can be inserted by a "search-js-facet" helper.


Here's an example of a rendering file for this service: Download file "sample.xsl" (15.4 KB)

It can be used as the basis for any new rendering and manages all service parameters. 

AJAX loading

Results are loaded using AJAX (except for the first results page if the search is triggered on page load).

Whether initial loading or AJAX loading, search results are processed by the XSL service in a way that is transparent to the integrator: the entire results area of the desired page is generated.
On the other hand, in ajax it is not integrated into the area by the skin template: it is the javascript code that inserts it in the results area. (The XPath /search/@ajax lets you know what frame you're in, should any differences need to be made).

When loading results, the "ametys-loading" class is added to the results, enabling the zone to be grayed out and/or a loading indicator to be displayed.

If pages are loaded in infinite loading mode ("more results" button or infinite scroll), only the hits zone will be reloaded in ajax for pagination processing.


Helpers can be divided into two categories: those that generate necessary code and those that are optional.

They are located in the folder: plugin:web://pages/services/search/helpers.






Contient des helpers qui génère des balises <script>






Position : <head>

Parameters : none


Inserts the service's javascript if the setting requires it






Position: all

Paramètres :
field-id (Obligatoire, String) Identifiant de l'<input>

url (Optional, String) Url returning completion information


The search criterion is auto-complete after 500ms if at least 2 characters have been entered.

By default, the criteria helper.xsl enables auto-completion on certain fields.






Position: all

Parameters : none


Depending on the settings, the search engine may not be available in the back office. This function inserts the code that displays the alert message at the time of submission.



Contains helpers that generate code javascript






Position: javascript attribute (onclick...)

Parameters :

callback-function (Faculative, Function javascript) Function called on search. The default value is the content of the global variable $callback-function


Generates the code to launch the search from the form 

There's a "submit-inputs-button" helper which checks that it's needed and then generates the submit button






Position: javascript attribute (onclick...)

Parameters :

callback-function (Faculative, Function javascript) Function called on search. The default value is the content of the global variable $callback-function


Generates code to apply a facet

There's a "facet-filter-element-checkbox" helper that generates facets directly as checkboxes.






Position: javascript attribute (onclick...)

Parameters :

callback-function (Faculative, Function javascript) Function called on search. The default value is the content of the global variable $callback-function

original-context-node (Optional, Node) If this function is called via AmetysXSLTHelper#pagination, the current context must be passed by this function. See pagination example.

page (Mandatory, String) Number of the page to load


Generates code to load another result page






Position: javascript attribute (onclick...)

Parameters :

callback-function (Faculative, Function javascript) Function called on search. The default value is the content of the global variable $callback-function


Generates code to load "More results" below current results






Position: javascript attribute (onclick...). Must be called when looping on the XML sort input /search/form/sorts/sort without the selected attribute.

Parameters :

callback-function (Faculative, Function javascript) Function called on search. The default value is the content of the global variable $callback-function


Generates code to change sorting of current results

There is a "sort-element-unselected" helper that directly generates a button via the common helper common-utils-input-submit






Position : attribut value d'un <input type="hidden">. Doit être appelé lors d'une boucle sur le XML d'entrée des tris /search/form/sorts/sort avec l'attribut selected

Parameters: none


Generates the value of the current sort (so that it is retained when the page is changed, for example).

Il existe un helper "sort-hidden-input-for-selected" qui génère directement l'<input> nécessaire



By importing this helper, you can directly import all other html/* helpers.xsl 






Contains helpers related to the creation of the search form.

This XSL contains matchers, which allow you to override the default behavior from time to time (by field type, for labels, for a given field, etc.)
See the example to understand how to use them.






Position: Must be called when looping over XML criteria input /search/form/fields/criterion

Parameters: none


Returns a unique identifier calculated for the current field 






Position: In the search form

Parameters: none


Determines whether a form submit button is required and, if so, inserts a hidden field and calls the "submit-inputs-button" helper.






Position: In the search form

Parameters: none


Generate the submit button code, then call the "search-js-submit-button" helper.

It's recommended not to call this helper directly, but to call "submit-inputs" and override "submit-inputs-button" to render a custom function.






 Contains a helper for generating facets in the form of checkboxes






Position: In the search results div. Must be called when looping over XML facet input


id (Optional, string) Checkbox identifier


Generates a checkbox for the facet by adding the special attribute, the "search-js-facet" helper call and the "data-ametys-search-role" attribute.

html/hits.xsl (html/hits/*.xsl)





Matcher processing of Content, Page and Resource hits.

A main "hit" matcher, relaunches an apply-templates with the following modes:

  • class-attribute: add attributes to the parent tag
  • image: display the result image
  • title-link: generates the link with the title
  • abstract: generates a summary of the result
  • date: generates the date of the result
  • others: generates additional information






Position: href attribute of a link. In the hits processing loop.

Parameters: none


Refer tourl for more information.






Position: href attribute of a link. In the hits processing loop.

Parameters: none


Returnurl to the page



Contains helpers to generate the link that the user can set in the parameters






Position: Tag html

Parameters: none


Génère le lien <a> configuré par l'utilisateur. Doit être protégé par un test sur /search/link/page

Use "link-href", "link-attribute" and "link-title".






Position : Attribut href du <a>

Parameters: none


Generates the href location of the page selected by the user. Must be protected by a test on /search/link/page






Position : Attributs du <a>

Parameters: none


Génère des attributs supplémentaires sur la balise <a>. Ne fait rien par défaut mais peut être surchargé pour ajouter des classes CSS par exemple.






Position : contenu du <a>

Parameters: none


Generates link text by taking the value entered by the user and, failing that, calls "link-default-title".






Position : contenu du <a>

Parameters: none


Default link text if user doesn't provide one. By default, displays the title of the selected page.



Contains a helper to generate the hidden form needed to modify the search via results: sorting, pagination and facets.






Position: In the "results" section of the page

Parameters: none


Génère un <form> caché contenant toutes les valeurs des critères de la recherche actuelle.



Contains helpers to generate the RSS search engine link if the parameter has been selected.






Position: Anywhere.

Parameters: none


Generates the feed link RSS. Calls "rss-attribute" and "rss-title" .






Position: Tag attribute.

Parameters: none


Generates attributes on the "rss-link-tag" link. Does nothing by default: can be overloaded.






Position: Anywhere.

Parameters: none


Generates default text for feed link rss from "rss-link-tag". Can be overloaded.



Contains helpers related to sorting management






Position: In the "results" section, when looping over selected sorts

Parameters: none


Génère un <input> caché pour indiqué le tri actuel en cas de modification des résultats : facette ou pagination. Appelé par "sort-element-selected"






Position: In the "results" section, when looping over selected sorts

Parameters: none


Génère un <span class="current"> avec le libellé du tri. Puis appelle "sort-hidden-input-for-selected"






Position: In the "results" section, when looping over non-selected sorts

Parameters: none


Generate a button via "common-utils-input-submit" (with class="sort") by setting the onclick to "search-js-sort".



Starting with Ametys 4.5.3, an error message may appear in the console if the HTML service structure is incorrect:

The HTML structure of the search engines has issues. See documentation. You can relaunch the check by calling 'SearchService.checkStructure();'

SearchService's checkStructure function will check the presence and/or nesting of certain elements as described on this page.

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