Visitor authentication

CMS Ametys can be used to restrict all or part of a site to certain authenticated visitors, to create intranet or extranet-type sites: see access restriction in the user manual.

When a site has restricted-access pages, you need to define how to authenticate visitors in order to give them access or not to these pages.

Ametys provides several ways of authenticating visitors. It's up to the integrator to choose which of these solutions best suits their needs.

Authentication process

Visitor authentication on the site must follow the same authentication process as for contributors on the back-office application.

As with the back-office application, you need to choose a CredentialsProvider and an authentication manager from those available in Ametys.


For authentication via an HTTP form, the site application provides an additional extension site-specific.
The feature defining the default HTTP form on CMS must be disabled in the runtime file.xml


To find out more
It is possible to define your own HTML login form, so that it is consistent with your graphic charter: please consult the page Create a login form on the site.

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