In a template, it's possible to integrate charter variations. These variations are assigned to pages via charter labels, with only the CSS styles changing. A test in the common XSL checks whether a page, or one of its parent pages, has a charter label. If no charter label is identified, the default style is applied; otherwise, the styles provided by this label are applied. Depending on the number of styles specific to each declination, two methods are possible:

  • If the style variations are minor and do not justify the import of an additional css , they can be defined in the generic css . Adding a class to the template's body tag will serve as a selector for different color variations, for example.
  • If style variations are major, it is preferable to import a specific css for each declination, which will override the values defined in the generic css . In this way, the generic css does not include all style variations not used for a given page.

Example of color variations for minor variations:


<xsl:template name="template"> 
 <!-- Contenu du head --> 
 <xsl:attribute name="class"> 
 <xsl:variable name="stylePrefix">PLUGIN_TAGS_STYLES_PAGES_</xsl:variable> 
 <xsl:variable name="style" select="substring(name(/cms/inputData/sitemap//page[@sitemap:current='true']/ancestor-or-self::page[@*[starts-with(name(), $stylePrefix)]] [1]/@*[starts-with(name(), $stylePrefix)]), string-length($stylePrefix)+1)"/> 
 <xsl:when test="$style='[styleName1]'">bleu</xsl:when> 
 <xsl:when test="$style='[styleName2]'">vert</xsl:when> 
 <xsl:when test="$style='[styleName3]'">rouge</xsl:when> 
 <!-- Contenu du body --> 

Example of color variations for major variations:

    <xsl:template name="color-css"> 
 <xsl:variable name="stylePrefix">PLUGIN_TAGS_STYLES_PAGES_</xsl:variable> 
 <xsl:variable name="style" select="substring(name(/cms/inputData/sitemap//page[@sitemap:current='true']/ancestor-or-self::page[@*[starts-with(name(), $stylePrefix)]] [1]/@*[starts-with(name(), $stylePrefix)]), string-length($stylePrefix)+1)"/> 

        <!-- A color by category --> 
        <xsl:if test="$style != ''"> 
            <xsl:variable name="color" select="translate($style,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')"/> 
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="{ametys:skinURL(concat('css/[skinName]-',$color,'.css'))}" type="text/css" /> 
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