Create a site
To create a new site, select the node in which the site will be created and click on the Create new site button:

A pop-up window opens, allowing you to choose a site name. This is the identifier of the site withinAmetys. It must not contain spaces and must be in lower case, e.g. www, production or blog-mairie :

The pop-up suggests creating an empty site, or creating one from another site.
In the case of website creation by duplication, a copy of pages and content is made. This makes it possible to have site templates and quickly create a website.
When a website is created by duplication, the copied content is in draft form. A Validation action is therefore required to make them visible on the site. For more information on the content lifecycle, click here.
If you have chosen the duplication option, the next step allows you to select the source site:

Otherwise, you will need to select the type of website :

The types of site available depend on your application.
The Blog site type is part of Plugin Blog (installed by default in the demo application Ametys).
The functionalities associated with this site type are described in the following section of the user manual: Blog
You are then redirected to the configuration screen.
Site configuration
The configuration tool opens when the site is created. A pop-up window also opens, allowing you to select the populations authorized to connect to the site:

The list of parameters to be configured depends on the features currently deployed on your application. Here we present the configuration as seen in the demo application ofAmetys.
In the General Information category,
- Section General site informationEnter the following parameters:
- Website title. This title will be used in the title tag of the home page,
- Website description. This description is used in the CMS Ametys to provide guidance to the webmaster,
- The address URL of the website. URL identifies the site within the CMS Ametys. This parameter can be a comma-separated list. The first URL is considered to be the mainURL . Domain name management is the responsibility of the administrator.
This URL can also be used as a reference for external access (users). For example, the mainURL is used to build the addresses provided in e-mails (links to the site),
Please refer to theAmetys architecture description for an overview ofAmetys components and inter-component communications.
- The website's graphic charter. You can choose from the available skins or use a new template. To do this, use the button on the right to import, duplicate or generate a template (more on these actions on the Template and template management page),
- Site language,
- The color of the site pictogram.
- Send mail section: enter the e-mail address of the sender of e-mails sent from the site.
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In the Forms category, choose the Captcha system to use to protect your forms from spamming:
- Always : all forms will be protected by a captcha, even if a user is logged in.
- Never: no captcha
- Only on public pages: forms on pages with limited access will not display a captcha.
The last option is the recommended one, especially for intranets.
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In the Content management category,
- Section Comments on content : specify whether moderation should be a priori or a posteriori.
- General configuration value,
- A priori: comments will only be put online after validation by a contributor with such rights,
- A posteriori: comments are automatically published but remain editable.
- Under Translations, specify the master language (can be left blank if there is no master language) and whether you wish to activate translation alerts.
- Section Sharing contentChoose the default visibility for site content:
- Public: content can be shared on all sites.
- Private: content cannot be shared on other sites.
- Protected: content can only be shared on parent or child sites.
- In the Tags section, specify whether you wish to enable top-down autoposting to take into account the tag hierarchy in full-text search engine queries.
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In the Page management category,
- Under Restricted pages, specify whether you wish to display links to restricted pages in navigation components (menus, sitemap, breadcrumb trail, etc.). If you leave this box ticked (recommended default option), links to restricted pages will be visible to everyone. A visitor without access rights to a restricted page will get an error page and/or a connection request.
If this option is unchecked, restricted pages will only appear in the navigation for authorized users. This mode of operation reduces site performance, so it is advisable to uncheck this parameter only on intranet-type sites or sites with reduced traffic.
- In the User management section, specify whether you want users to be able to register freely to view restricted-access pages on the site.
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In the Cache management category, specify the cache validity time (in seconds). The default value is 0. To boost your site's performance in the event of overload, you can set this parameter from 20s to 60s.
Warning: this setting may cause some inconsistencies on the site for a period shorter than the cache's validity.
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In the Newsletter category,
- Heading Emailspecify the e-mail address of the letter's sender and indicate whether you wish to integrate the newsletter images directly into the HTML body of mail. This is useful when e-mail clients do not have access to the site (e.g. intranet) and therefore cannot download the images.
Embedding images in e-mails considerably increases the size of the images and therefore that of theemail sent.
- Section Subscription management :
- Check the Automatic sub-category subscription box so that a subscriber to a category is automatically subscribed to its sub-categories.
- Check the Automatic subscription to parent categories box to have a category subscriber automatically subscribed to its parent categories.
- In the Tracking section, select whether you wish to enable Google Analytics to track newsletters.
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In the Search Engine Optimization category, check the Ping Enabled? box if you want CMS to regularly send the sitemap of this site to search engines.
Pinging your sitemap to search engines lets them know that your site map has been updated.
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In the Services category,
- Section CookiesChoose a cookie policy:
- Ask and accept by default,
- Ask and refuse by default,
- Always accept cookies, if you don't want to let the user decide whether to allow cookies for audience measurement purposes. This feature may be required by law in some countries.
- In the Google Services section, enter the API v3 key to use Google services (Google maps, Youtube, Google Analytics, etc.).
- In the Tracking section, enter the Google website ID, or UA number (in the form UA-XXXXXX-YY)
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You can then save your configuration by clicking on the Save button:

Or close the tool without saving by clicking on the Close without saving button. Please note that this action will result in the loss of your changes: