1. Introduction
  2. Label categories
  3. Private labels
  4. Assign labels
  5. Custom labels
    1. Create a label
    2. Import labels
  6. Hierarchical tags and autoposting
  7. What to do with labels


A label is a kind of marker.

The labels available and their role depend on your application.

Labels can be content labels (headline news, section news, zoom, etc.) or page labels (section, direct access, etc.).

For example, the "Headline news" tag is a tag that is applied to "News" type content: its purpose is to indicate that the news item should be included on the site's home page. This is a content tag, because we want to include the news content on the home page.
On the other hand, the "Direct access" tag is a tag that is applied to pages: its purpose is to build a menu in the graphic charter that lists the pages for which we want to provide a shortcut. It's a page label, because we only want to include the link to the page in question.

Diagram showing a batch of news items, some with a label Home page.
These news items can be automatically displayed on the home page.

The "Top News " label used in this example does not exist by default in the demo version of CMS. To implement the functionality illustrated above, you need to :
- Create a label named Create a label named "Headline News".
- Assign it to certain news-type content
- Set up a content feed on the home page, configured to display news items with this label.
These operations are described in detail on this page.

Label categories

There are 3 categories of label:

  • Charter labels, provided by the graphic charter, generally defined by the integrator: these are labels that are used by the graphic charter to reconstruct menus. For example, headings, sub-headings, direct access, .... These labels depend on the graphic charter used. Charter labels may differ from one charter to another.

  • Static or application labels, statically defined by plugin. These labels depend on your application and the plugins used. For example, plugin Newsletter brings a static label to indicate that a page is a newsletter category; plugin Glossary brings a label to indicate the page containing the glossary.

  • Custom labels. These are labels that you can define yourself in the back office for use in a service, for example. For example, you can create thesaurus or theme labels for your articles, and configure the visitor search engine to let them choose the theme, or use them in the content escalation service.
    These labels are site-specific.

Private labels

A tag can be private or public. A private tag can only be assigned to or removed from a page or content by a webmaster with specific rights to assign private tags.

If a contributor does not have this right, private labels appear with a red padlock and cannot be checked or unchecked.

Assign labels

When selecting a page or content, click on the "Label" button

A dialog box allows you to check/uncheck the labels to be applied to the selected content or page.

Click on "Ok" to validate.

If you're on a page with multiple contents, assigning a content label will assign it to each of the page's contents!
For example, if you're on a page with 3 news items and you label them "Headlines", all 3 will be headlines.
To avoid this, select the content to be tagged BEFORE opening the

Occasionally, some boxes are grayed out: this may be for various reasons.
- you are viewing content that is not assigned to a page: page labels are grayed out.
- you are viewing a page with no content (or no selected content): content labels are grayed out
- you are viewing content locked by another user: content labels are grayed out

The following tools are available in this dialog box:

  • Filter, this field lets you enter text to filter the labels visible in the tree (see example below).
  • Delete filter () to display the complete label tree.
  • Filter by selected labels () displays only labels currently assigned to the page or content(s)
  • Close all () to fold the shaft

If you type "actu", only labels with the word "actu" will be visible.

When you finish assigning labels by pressing OK, they are directly assigned: no need to go through the content lifecycle again.

Custom labels

Custom labels are labels that can be created / modified / deleted directly from the back office.

Click on the"Labels" button in the Home tab to open the custom labels tool.

Create a label

Select the tree root or a label in the tree, then click on "Add label" to create a new label.

A label is made up of the following elements:

  • Title (required): label title.
  • Description (optional): label description.
  • Target: select the label target (content or page). A content label can only be applied to content, a page label can only be applied to a page.
  • Visibility: select label visibility. A public label is accessible to all users with the right to assign labels, whereas a private label requires the right to assign private labels.

Import labels

Labels can be imported en masse from a XML file. The XML file must comply with the following XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tag id="THESAURUS" target="CONTENT">
        <description>Etiquettes du thésaurus</description>
        <tag id="SANTE" target="CONTENT">
            <tag id="SOIN" target="CONTENT">
          	<tag id="MEDICAMENTS" target="CONTENT">
        <tag id="BIOLOGIE" target="CONTENT">
            <tag id="BIOLOGIE_ALIMENTAIRE" target="CONTENT">
                <label>Biologie alimentaire</label>
                <description>Biologie alimentaire</description>
          	<tag id="BIOLOGIE_ANIMALE" target="CONTENT" private="true">
                <label>Biologie animale</label>
                <description>Biologie animale</description>
			<tag id="BIOLOGIE_CELLULAIRE" target="CONTENT">
                <label>Biologie cellulaire</label>
                <description>Biologie cellulaire</description>

Select the tree root or a label in the tree, then click on "Import labels":


This action is subject to a special right. If this button is not available, you do not have the right to import labels.

Select the XML file on your disk containing the labels to be imported:

Labels will be imported from the label selected in the tree.

If a label already exists, it will be updated with the information contained in the file.

After import, a concise report is displayed to inform you of the labels created or updated.

Hierarchical tags and autoposting

Labels are organized hierarchically, i.e. a label can itself contain sub-labels.

The label hierarchy is used to managetop-down car-sharing.
Consider the label tree below:

Top-down autoposting consists of returning content tagged 2, 4, 5, 7 or 8 in a content feed or search engine when tag 2 is selected.

The choice of whether or not to activate autoposting on tags is left to the webmaster in the Search Engine and Content Feed service settings.

What to do with labels

It's up to you to decide what you want to do with these tags, but always remember to classify them in a hierarchy to make it easier for contributors to assign them and to manage car-sharing.

Here are a few use cases:

  • targeted content feedback

    For example, to bring up certain news items on the home page:

    1) Create a "Top News" label from the "Labels" tool
    2) Select the news items you wish to highlight on the home page, and label them with the "Top News" label.
    3) On the home page, add a "Content feed" service and in the service parameters choose the "News" content type and the "Top news" label.


  • a search engine criterion

    1) Create a label named, for example, "Thesaurus".
    2) Create as many sub-labels as there are terms in the thesaurus. Each sub-label can also contain sub-labels for a more specific term.
    3) Label your content with thesaurus terms
    3) In the "Search engine" service parameters, select the "Thesaurus" label as the search criterion.
    4) In the search form you can now select a thesaurus term from a drop-down list. The search will only return content tagged with the selected term.

    Leave the "Strict search on labels" checkbox unchecked to bring up in search results content tagged with a child label. For example, by selecting "Biology" in the drop-down list, content tagged "Cell Biology" or "Animal Biology" will also be visible in the search results.




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