Wikipedia introduces the notion of Dublin Core metadata as follows:
Dublin Core is a generic metadata schema for describing digital or physical resources and establishing relationships with other resources. It officially includes 15 elements of description: formal (title, creator, publisher), intellectual (subject, description, language, etc.) and intellectual property.
In Ametys, this metadata can be entered for each content item, each resource (file) in theresource explorer, or each content or page attachment.
In Ametys, some metadata are free text fields (creator, author, relationship, ...), others are drop-down lists (language, copyright, publisher).
The directory WEB-INF/param/dublincore contains 3 configuration files for defining the contents of the three drop-down lists:
dc_language.xml List of languages (French, English, Spanish...)
dc_publisher.xml List of publishers
dc_rights.xml list of copyrights
The structure of these files is :
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