
This service allows you to upload a list of content based on parameters defined by the contributor.

This service can be used for example:

  • to list news items in a section,
  • to list the most important news items (labelled "Headlines") on the home page,
  • to list items labeled "Zoom" in the side area of a page,
  • etc,...

The service takes into account the access rights to the page containing the service, as well as the rights of the connected (site) user.

Add service

Select a site page and a zone of your choice. Go to the "Add a service" menu and click on "Content upload".

Content upload settings

The service is configured in 2 steps:

  • search parameters: what content should be retrieved?
  • content display: how content is displayed (pagination, view, number of results, etc.)

Step 1: The first screen is used to determine which content is to be uploaded.

TitleThe title of the content feed.
Ex: "Headlines".
Type(s) of contentList of content types to search.
Select no content type to search all content types
ViewThe view used to display content. By default, three views are available:
  • Summary (or reduced mode): title, summary, illustration and link to content
  • Link (or referencing): title and link to content
  • Complete: Content in its entirety

If several content types are selected, only the views common to the selected
content types will be available.

Sort(s) and Filter(s)

Sort and filter content.
Example setting: sort by title in alphabetical order, then by ascending start date.

Click on a field name to use it for sorting or filtering.
For each field, you can then add a condition to filter the search.
Click on the button on the far right to sort by that field, then click again to reverse the order.
Finally, order the sorting with the up and down arrows.

N.B.: The list of available fields depends on the type or types of content selected.

Research contexts

Enter 1 to n search contexts.
A search context defines in which sites, in which languages and with which tags content will be searched.

The "Strict search on tags" checkbox is used to disable top-down autoposting. For example, if this box is checked and you have selected a search on the "Sport" label, only content tagged with this label will be retrieved. If the box is unchecked, content tagged with the "Sport" label or a child label ("Athletics", "Swimming", ...) will be visible in the content feed.



Step 2: the second screen lets you set the display parameters

Max. number of resultsThe maximum number of contents to display.
Leave empty to display all results.
Number of results per pageAllows you to paginate the content feed.
Leave empty if you do not wish to display pagination.
Hide orphaned contentCheck this box to exclude orphaned content from the feed.
Content is orphaned if it is not attached to any page, or if its page is not published.

Taking rights into account

the user

By default, content retrieval depends on the page containing the service. So if the page is restricted to group "A", only content accessible by a user in group "A" and public content will be visible. The page is therefore identical for all users, but a user will never see content to which he or she does not have access.

Check this option if you want only content to which the user has access to be displayed. In this case, content retrieval depends on the logged-in user: visible content is that which can be accessed by the user, as well as public content. Content retrieval is therefore personalized for each user
Warning! Checking this option deactivates page caching, thus degrading performance:
is not recommended for high-traffic pages such as the home page.

Wires RSSCheck this box to display a feed icon RSS.
The RSS feed contains the first 20 contents of the content feed.
Link to a pageLink to a page in the sitemap to be displayed after the lift.
For example, a link to a page containing all the news in the section.
Link titleLink text(e.g. View all news)No
DisplayChoice of rendering.
Depends on the possibilities offered by the graphic charter used.


The rendering of a content feed depends on the possibilities offered by your graphic charter.

Here's an overview of what's possible.

Standard content uploads

Content feedback in the form of a carousel

Content feedback in the form of an animated list

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