The Rich Fields online editor lets you format your content and insert a large number of objects (images, tables, symbols, code HTML, merged data, etc.).
It is divided into two main areas: "Character and paragraph" and "Insert".

  1. Character and paragraph" field
    1. Headings and paragraph styles
    2. Formatting
    3. Lists
  2. Insert" zone
    1. Tables
      1. Table properties
      2. Table styles
      3. Advanced features
    2. Images
      1. Image properties and styles
    3. Links
      1. Link to aAmetys
      2. Link to an external page
      3. Link to an e-addressmail
      4. Lien vers un numéro de téléphone
      5. Link to download file
      6. Link to a shared file
      7. Link properties and styles
    4. External video
    5. Table of contents
    6. Symbols
    7. Form
    8. Code HTML
    9. Latest publications
    10. Data inclusion (queries)


Character and paragraph" field

This area is used to present and format content. It contains functions for managing :

  • title levels,
  • paragraph styles
  • the lists
  • basic formatting
  • accessibility features
  • etc...

The styles of the various elements (paragraphs, headings, bulleted lists, numbered lists) can be defined by the website charter.

Headings and paragraph styles

Select the content text and choose a style from the list:

  • Title 1 will generate a level 1 title corresponding to the style
  • Title 2
  • Title 3
  • Subtitle
  • Introduction
  • Normal
  • No line spacing
  • Important
  • Secondary


Pour des raisons graphiques, d’accessibilité et de référencement, les titres doivent respecter la hiérarchie sémantique : un titre de niveau 2 ne peut être placé avant un titre de niveau 1. Si tel est le cas, une icône ainsi qu'un liseré jaune vous en informeront. Au survol de l'icône, ce message précise la raison : 



For each style, an explanatory tooltip is displayed when the mouse hovers over the button.

Basic styles are available:







Align text to the left

Center text

Align text to the right

Justify the text

To improve the accessibility and ergonomics of your site, please avoid justifying your text as much as possible.

A number of advanced features (accessibility, glossary, etc.) are also available:



Report an abbreviation

Report an acronym

Add to glossary

Report a quote

Report a language change

The button Report a language change allows you to specify a language other than the default for a text selection.
In the interests of accessibility, this feature enables the software or extensions that read web page content to change language when reading the text selection. 
To signal a change of language, after selecting the text, click on the button and a pop-up window opens, allowing you to define the language code, for example: "en" for English.


See this page to see the list of language codes.


Select the content and click on the list style to apply it:

  • Different chip styles :

  • Different styles of numbered lists :

You can increase and decrease the indentation using the buttons to the right of the styles.

Reduces shrinkage

Increases shrinkage

The different list styles available may vary, as custom styles can be defined by the graphic charter.

Insert" zone

This area lets you insert a multitude of components, from the most basic (a symbol) to the most complex (form, merged data), not forgetting the basics: Table, Image, Link etc...


The table creation process offers an intuitive interface through which you can enter the desired number of rows and columns.

The screenshot on the left illustrates the creation of a table with 3 rows and 7 columns.

To insert a large table (larger than 8 rows or 10 columns), simply click on the Insert table.. . label. (highlighted in red), where you'll be asked to specify the number of rows and columns to be displayed.

After creating a table or when editing it, a new contextual tab Table tools appears in the upper part of the ribbon (top banner).
Two new sub-tabs are then available:

  • Tableau, for basic properties and operations.
  • Advanced, for advanced functions

Table properties

The Table tab allows you to :

  • Style management (see below)
  • Header row and column management
  • Grid display (for borderless displayboards)
  • Adding and deleting rows/columns
  • Deleting the table
  • Fill in the Caption and Summary properties
  • Manage individual cell alignment (vertical and horizontal)


Table styles

Styles are in the Table tab. Click on the Styles button button and select the style of your choice. Here, the Dark style is selected.

The different table styles available may vary, as custom styles can be defined by the graphic charter.


Advanced features

Table parameters (size, cells, cell merging and separation, alignment) are managed in the Advanced tab:

This tab allows you to :

  • Merging / splitting cells
  • Select adjustment method (automatic to content / automatic to page / fixed columns)
  • Define column/cell size
  • Select wrapping (policy for aligning text with table)



Authorized image formats are: jpeg, gif, png,...

Two types of images can be inserted into content.

  • Choose Local image to select an image located on your hard disk.
  • Choose Shared image to select an image from the resource explorer's list of images

Select your image and confirm.

Insert a shared image

Image properties and styles

By clicking on the image, the Image tab appears in the top bar, allowing you to edit various parameters:

  • Different styles can be assigned to the image:
    • Normal
    • Borderless
    • Frame
    • Large frame
  • A legend and an alternative can be specified
  • The image can be resized by entering its height and width (proportions are preserved).
  • The image can be zoomed, so that it can be clicked to display it in larger size.
  • Text wrapping can be defined :
    • left
    • no
    • on the right

More information on inserting and setting up images can be found on the Insert a photo or image page, under Inserting a photo.

The different image styles available may vary, as custom styles can be defined by the graphic charter.

Ametys resizes the image to be inserted. Sending large images is not a problem.

An animated gif will lose its animation if resized. It's worth noting that an animated gif is not accessible anyway.



Link to aAmetys

Simply select the page from the Map view at view
The link to the page will appear unstyled.

Links of this type are robust, i.e. they will be automatically updated when the linked page is moved or renamed.
Only deletion of the linked page will leave a link referencing a non-existent page. In this case, you'll need to update your content by deleting the link.
So don't forget to use the Broken Links tool, and pay particular attention to the automatic broken links report.

Link to an external page

The web address of the target page must be entered.
The default style of this link is an arrow starting from a window.

Link to an e-addressmail

Enter the target e-mail address.
The default style for this link is a white envelope.

Lien vers un numéro de téléphone

Il faut renseigner le numéro de téléphone cible.
Le style par défaut de ce lien est un téléphone.

Link to download file

Cela permet de faire un lien vers un fichier appartenant au contenu en cours et ne pourra pas être utilisé ailleurs sur le site. Ce fichier est indexé avec le contenu.
Pour réaliser cette opération, sélectionner un fichier dans les pièces jointes du contenu. Il est possible d'ajouter un ou plusieurs nouveaux fichiers en cliquant sur "Cliquez ici pour insérer un ou plusieurs nouveaux fichiers dans le répertoire sélectionné".

The default style for this link is a blue downward-pointing arrow.

Link to a shared file

Il est possible d'ajouter un lien vers un fichier de  l'explorateur de ressources

Il est possible d'ajouter directement un ou plusieurs fichiers dans l'explorateur de ressources en cliquant sur la mention Cliquez ici pour insérer un ou plusieurs fichiers dans le répertoire sélectionné.
The default style for this link is a blue downward-pointing arrow.

To help you choose the best method, simply answer the question :

is PDF a general document that can be used in several places on the site?

If yes, use a "link to a shared file", otherwise use a "link to a downloadable file".

Link properties and styles

When you select the link, a new tab appears, allowing you to :

  • Modify link style
  • Open link
  • Delete link
  • Add an alternative
  • Specify whether to open in a new window

External video

Les fonctionnalités décrites dans cette section (vidéo externe) font parties du Plugin Inline Média (installé par défaut dans l'application de démonstration Ametys).

Il est possible d'insérer une vidéo locale, une vidéo partagée, ainsi que vidéo YouTube ou Dailymotion. 

For more information, visit Insert a video, section"An external video (YouTube or Dailymotion)".

Table of contents

You can add such a component using the dedicated button. The Table of Contents will be automatically calculated according to the content's title levels.


The table of contents is represented by the image above when editing content.

Example of page rendering.


Special characters can be added to content via the Symbol window.


This button inserts a web form for your visitors. The form can be sent to you via email or stored in Ametys for further processing.

Retrouver toutes les informations sur la page Edition des formulaires.


This button allows you to insert HTML code into your content. The use of this feature requires knowledge of HTML , as this code will not be processed by Ametys but used directly.

Find out more on the HTML Expert page.

Latest publications

This tool is so named because its typical use case is to insert recent publications when editing a newsletter to be sent to subscribers.
The title is misleading, however, as it is perfectly possible to add any existing content using this feature.

The latest publications (or any other content) can be inserted in this rich field:

Search content

Selecting content for insertion

The form contains various criteria:

  • Content title
  • Publications site
  • Content type (mandatory): Article, News, Photo Gallery, Newsletter...
  • Validation date (before, after)
  • A choice of labels
  • One page

Next, a settings window asks you to enter the view and title level (see details below) to be used for inserting content.

The different views available are :


Content summary. For an article, the Title then the Header field are displayed, followed by a link to the content page.


Displays a link to the content. The link name corresponds to the content title.


Display content in its entirety.

This list may vary depending on the type of content selected.

Details about the Title level parameter

If you choose Title 3, the highest level title will be inserted as Title 3, meaning that :

  • All Title 1s in the inserted content will be seen as Title 3s in the current content.
  • Similarly, all Title 2s in inserted content will be Title 4s in current content.

Illustrative diagram: Two contents are inserted with a Title Level 3


Data inclusion (queries)

The functions described in this section are part of Plugin Data insertion (installed by default in the Ametys demo application).


Cette section traite de l'insertion de données externes (issues d'une requête LDAP ou SQL) dans le texte riche des contenus. Pour créer ou configurer les sources de données rendez-vous sur le manuel d'utilisation de l'outil Source de données

En édition, cliquez sur le bouton Requête pour ajouter des données issues d'une requête LDAP ou SQL

La boite de dialogue qui s'ouvre alors affiche les requêtes disponibles. Sélectionnez la requête que vous souhaitez insérer.

In the content being edited, an icon indicates where the result of the query will be inserted.

Some requests require configuration parameters.
Select the query icon in the content area pour pouvoir renseigner les paramètres.

Save content to view rendering.



L'éditeur en ligne supporte le copier-coller depuis un traitement de texte, une page web...

Le CMS Ametys va épurer certains styles tels que les couleurs de police, les changements de tailles de police, les polices... alors que les styles existant dans la charte graphique seront conservés tels que les niveaux de titre, les listes à puces...

A noter que si vous copier-coller un lien interne au CMS depuis la prévisualisation du CMS Ametys, vous allez coller le lien de la prévisualisation. Ce lien est privé, uniquement réservé aux contributeurs. Ce lien sera alors cassé pour un utilisateur du site.




L'éditeur en ligne des champs riches vous permet de mettre en forme votre contenu et d'y insérer un grand nombre d'objets (images, tableaux, symboles, code HTML, données fusionnées, ...).
Il se décompose en deux grandes zones : "Caractère et paragraphe" et "Insertion".

  1. Character and paragraph" field
    1. Headings and paragraph styles
    2. Formatting
    3. Lists

Character and paragraph" field

This area is used to present and format content. It contains functions for managing :

  • title levels,
  • paragraph styles
  • the lists
  • basic formatting
  • accessibility features
  • etc..

The styles of the various elements (paragraphs, headings, bulleted lists, numbered lists) can be defined by the website charter.

Headings and paragraph styles

Select the content text and choose a style from the list: 

  • Title 1 will generate a level 1 title corresponding to the style
  • Title 2
  • Title 3
  • Subtitle
  • Introduction
  • Normal
  • No line spacing
  • Important
  • Secondary


Pour des raisons graphiques, d’accessibilité et de référencement, les titres doivent respecter la hiérarchie sémantique : un titre de niveau 2 ne peut être placé avant un titre de niveau 1.
Si tel est le cas arrive le cadre du champ Contenu devient orange et un icône de danger apparaît, survoler l'icône pour voir le message d'alerte. 

Vous pouvez sauvegarder votre contenu malgré l'alerte.


For each style, an explanatory tooltip is displayed when the mouse hovers over the button.

Basic styles are available:







Align text to the left

Center text

Align text to the right

Justify the text

De plus, quelques fonctionnalités avancées (accessibilité, glossaire etc...) sont disponibles en sélectionnant votre texte en premier :



Report an abbreviation

Report an acronym

Add to glossary

Report a quote

Report a language change

Pour améliorer l’accessibilité et l'ergonomie de votre site, veuillez éviter autant que possible de justifier votre texte.



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