Forms are available from version 2.15.0 onwards
To view form data, click on the View data available from the tree view of forms (Forms tab), or from the tree view of a form (Form tab).
Access to data consultation is managed by the Forms/Consult data right.
The data consultation table consists of :
The various actions available are as follows:
The Export menu has two entries:
This action generates an Excel file corresponding to the data table.
A summary in Excel format is generated, containing the number and percentage of responses for each form field.
You can delete all the data on the current form using the Delete all .
To delete a single entry from the form, simply select it and click on the Delete .
Access to form data deletion is managed by the Forms/Delete entry right.
If the form has a life cycle, once an entry has been selected, its status can be changed.
Statistics tool displays the number of responses for each form field.
By selecting an entry, the Properties button to view its details: