Download jars from plugin and add them (ametys-plugin-skinfactory-1.0.0.jar and ametys-plugin-skinfactory-resources-1.0.0. jar ) to your application'sWEB-INF/lib directory. Ametys
Add button to open tool in file WEB-INF/params/cms-ribbon-default.xml. The button identifier is org.ametys.skinfactory.tool.SkinFactoryTool. We recommend adding it to the "Developer" tab, or adding an "Integrator" tab.
In the same file, import the ribbon file specific to the graphic design workshop. plugin:skinfactory://ribbon/cms-ribbon.xml
Extract from cms-ribbon-default.xml
Copy to clipboard failed. Open the code and copy it manually.
If the group contains a description <large>, <medium> and <small> button must be added to the 3.
Version 1.0.0 of plugin depends on plugin ametys "SkinCommons". Download and add jars ametys -plugin-skincommons-1.0.0.jar and ametys-plugin-skincommons-resources-1.0.0..jar to your application's WEB-INF/lib directory.
In the WEB-INF/params/workspace-admin.xml replace button org.ametys.web.administrator.Skins by org.ametys.skinfactory.administrator.Skins.
Extract from workspace-admin.xml
Copy to clipboard failed. Open the code and copy it manually.