Integration manual v1.6.0, v1.7.0


  • Stop the server
  • This plugin requires 2 tables sql "Survey_Session"and "Survey_Answer". Go to the application database and run script for the type of database you are using:
  • Download jars from plugin and add them (ametys-plugin-survey-1.2.0.jar and ametys- plugin-survey-resources-1 .2.0.jar) to your application's WEB-INF/lib directory. Ametys

  • Add a button to open the online survey tool in the WEB-INF/params/cms-ribbon-default.xml. The button identifier is org.ametys.survey.SurveyTool.
    We recommend adding it to the Home tab, in the "Advanced tools" group.

  • In the same file, import the ribbon file specific to online surveys. plugin:survey://cms-ribbon.xml
					<control id="org.ametys.survey.SurveyTool"/>
					<control id="org.ametys.survey.SurveyTool"/>


Attention ! Si le groupe contient une description <large>, <medium> et <small> , il faut ajouter le bouton dans les 3.


  • Restart the server



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