Since version 1.6.0, a survey, survey pages or questions can contain an illustration.
If you have overloaded the rendering of a survey (survey2html.xsl), in particular the templates XSL "page", "question" and "start-page", you will have to add the illustration display yourself by calling the "picture" template.
For example:
Display illustration of a question
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picture: XML element containing information about the illustration
alt: alternative illustration
idObject: identifier of the object bearing the illustration (page, question, survey)
maxHeight: max height of illustration in pixels (default 150px)
maxWidth: max width of illustration in pixels (default 150px)
class: Classe CSS du <div> englobant ("picture" par défaut)
Saving responses via a cookie
Since version 1.6.0, answers to questions are saved by default in a browser cookie, on the site only (Front).
If you have overloaded the rendering of a survey (survey2html.xsl), the templates "head-scripts", "start-page", "finish-page", "submit-button", and "page" are impacted. The survey identifier and rendering context must be added to the function call. survey_begin, survey_end, survey_previouspage and survey_nextpage
Look for calls to these JS functions in your own XSL and modify any overloads as follows:
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