
List of versions

A new "Auto-completion" parameter is available for text form fields. 

This parameter allows the browser to propose completion with values previously entered for the selected type. 

The Auto-completion parameter can be modified if the form already contains data. 

The recipients of notification emails can now be configured: 

  • Direct input of e-mail addresses
  • Selection of a form field filled with email addresses.

The fields listed are : 

    • simple text fields with a validation rule email
    • choice-list fields with Manual input with email

Read/write restriction is only available on forms with a lifecycle. 

A new tab entitled "Access rights" is available when editing a field: 

On this field, this tab allows you to : 

  • Restrict visibility
    • A field with restricted visibility is not visible on the form, on the submissions dashboard (My Submissions service), or on acknowledgement and waiting-list exit emails. 
    • This feature can be useful for internal processing fields that can only be modified by administrators.
    • Visibility restriction is only available if the field has no data.
  • Authorize modification
    • A field can only be modified on compatible reports (reports containing an edit action).
    • Modification of this field is available on the front office dashboard when the action is performed (see this release note).
    • A field that is allowed to change cannot have any rules.

Two new pictograms have been added to the tree view of a form: 

On the front office, when changing status from the dashboard, entries can be modified if the field has modification rights (detailed here).

This modification is only possible if the report contains an edit action. 

The new forms are now available! 

The new tool consists of : 

  • A tree view of forms to classify forms by folder, configure forms (lifecycle, scheduled opening, submission limits, acknowledgements of receipt, invitations, etc.), manage rights and view data. 

  • A management tool for each form (tree view of fields, adding and configuring fields, configuring branches between pages...). )

  • An entry management tool

  • A service for adding forms to a page 

  • A Dashboard service to view personal entries on each form

  • A Processing Dashboard service to administer form entries. 

For more information, please visit this page. 

The "Forms dash board" service enables site users to view all form responses and their status.

From this dashboard, users can view the details of their request and the status history.

Find out more about the dashboard

Forms now offer the possibility of managing costs. 

  • It is possible to define that a drop-down list participates in the cost: 

It is then possible to associate a cost with each option in the drop-down list (new Cost column): 

  • A new "Cost" field has been added: this is a read-only field which displays the total cost of the selected options. 

You can choose the unit of this cost field: 

Here's an example of how to use the Cost field: 

For more information on editing forms, please visit this page

It is now possible to define a limit on the number of entries in a form. 

After this limit, the form is no longer available. 

Find out more on this page

Description of form fields

Text, textarea, list, password, captcha and checkbox fields can be described.

On the rendering side, by default (overloadable at skin), the description is inserted in the "label", in the form of a tooltip. The HTML product is :

<div class="label">   
    <label id="Ametys_Gen_1_label" for="Ametys_Gen_1">Nom   
       <span title="Votre nom et votre prénom en majuscule" class="input-help">   
       <span class="mandatory-marker">*</span>   

Example of rendering with the skin demo:

It is possible to display the tooltip to the right of the fields. To do this, override the "form-input-description" template, which is empty by default.

The template that renders is form-field-description
The template that renders at the label level is form-label-description and by default it just calls form-field-description.

See XSL docbbok2html.xsl of plugin forms for more details.

Insertion of fields entered in the acknowledgement of receipt

Dans la définition de l'accusé de réception, il est possible d'utiliser le joker ${form}, pour insérer les réponses dans l'accusé de réception.
Par exemple :

Responses will be posted on mail in exactly the same way as the mail notification.

Mail content overload

Notifications and acknowledgements of receipt can be overwritten. The following XSL can be overloaded:

  • WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/results-text.xsl : XSL for mail notification in text format
  • WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/results.xsl : XSL for mail notification format HTML
  • WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl : XSL common to notification and acknowledgement emails for displaying replies (text or HTML)

It is also possible to overload e-mails according to the graphic charter:

  • skins/[SKIN_NAME]/stylesheets/forms/mail/results-text.xsl : XSL for mail notification in text format
  • skins/[SKIN_NAME]/stylesheets/forms/mail/results.xsl : XSL for mail notification format HTML
  • skins/[SKIN_NAME]/stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl : XSL common to notification and acknowledgement emails for displaying replies (text or HTML)


Example file WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"  
   <xsl:import href="plugin:forms://stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl"/>  
   <xsl:template match="entry" mode="text">  
        <!-- Surcharge des réponses pour le format text (commune à tous les sites) -->  
   <xsl:template match="entry" mode="html">  
 <!-- Surcharge des réponses pour le format HTML (commune à tous les sites) -->  



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