OpenID Connect: Connecting with Facebook

Facebook connection

Create a Facebook account for your institution

First, please create a Facebook account for your institution.
Then go to this link and click on "Get started" in the top right-hand corner, then create your "Facebook for developers" account by following the instructions. Once the account has been created, click on "Create an App", choose "Consumer" as the app type, then enter your details.

Facebook project configuration

In "Settings" then "General" you will find :

  • Your application ID

  • Your secret key

In "Settings", then "Advanced", in the "Share list of authorized redirection items" category, add the following URI :

  • <BOserver_url>/_extra-user-management/oidc-callback
    (<BOserver_url> par ex: ou
  • <SITEserver_url>/_extra-user-management/oidc-callback
    (A saisir plusieurs fois si vous utilisez plusieurs url racines comme et

Once you've completed these Facebook configuration steps, you'll need to return to the general settings to "Start verification" in "Verification".

Connection configuration in the CMS

Go to the CMS administrator area (_admin) and add a new user identification type to an existing or new population.

In "Authentication mode" choose "Facebook".

In "Customer identifier OpenId" and "Secret key" enter your ClientID and secret code respectively, as generated earlier. Then click on "Finish".

Your users can now log in using their Facebook account.

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