Online Survey Servicev1.6.0, v1.7.0

The "Display a survey" service allows you to publish on your site a survey previously created with the "Online surveys" tool and validated.

  1. Add service
  2. Service configuration
  3. Overview

Add service

Select a site page and a zone of your choice. Go to the "Add a service" menu and click on "Display a survey" to insert a survey.

Service configuration

Display surveySelect the survey to be displayed.
Only validated surveys are available here.
DisplayChoice of service rendering.
Depends on the graphic charter used.


The rendering of the service depends on the graphic charter of your site.

Overview of the introduction stage :

Overview of the survey process :


Overview of the concluding stage :


If you have defined opening dates for your survey and the survey is not yet open or is closed, a message will be displayed to visitors and it will not be possible to complete the survey.



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