Page tracking (version 2.15.0 or higher)

Starting with version 2.15.0, plugin allows users to follow one or more pages by choosing the frequency of notifications (daily, weekly, monthly).

  1. Follow a page
  2. View and set notification preferences
    1. Viewing tracked pages
    2. Notification preferences

Follow a page

To enable logged-in users to follow a page, you can integrate a button on each page of the site to follow it or stop following it.

Example of a button integration for page tracking, with the counter counting the number of visitors following the page.

  • User does not follow page
  • The user follows the page

Page tracking generates notifications on two channels - email and intranet - whenever a contributor makes a change to a page.

The default setting for these notifications is :

- By sendingemail to the user on a daily basis if a change has occurred

- Visually in the intranet via a dedicated "My tracked pages" service (often positioned on the home page), instantly whenever a change is made to the page.


View and set notification preferences

To enable users to view tracked pages, delete them and modify their notification preferences, it is necessary to insert the "My tracked pages" service on a site page in two places:

  • In the first place, often on the home page, to quickly view the pages you're following and be notified when they've been updated.
  • In a second location, within the pages dedicated to profile and preference management, to enable notification preferences to be modified.

Don't forget to label the notification preferences modification page with the "Tracked pages configuration page" label. This will allow you to add a link to modify these notification preferences in your notification e-mails.

These two uses can be illustrated as follows:

Viewing tracked pages

A red dot indicates newly updated and unread pages.
The view allows you to switch to "configuration" mode to remove a page from tracking.


Notification preferences

Users who follow a page will receive notifications of updates to the page by default at email. He or she can set the frequency of email or deactivate them altogether:




The subscriber does not choose the "Intranet" consultation channel, unlike theme-based subscriptions. There is no notification center for tracked pages.
However, it is possible to flag a tracked page with an unread update (red dot, for example).

Notification frequency depends on subscriber preferences (daily, weekly or monthly)

Example of notifications according to subscription frequency

  • The user is subscribed to a list of pages every day at 10:00 a.m.
    • at 10 a.m. each day, he will receive by mail the list of pages updated the previous day (among the pages followed), i.e. between yesterday 10 a.m. and today 10 a.m.
    • before 10 a.m. on the intranet, tracked pages updated between 10 a.m. yesterday and 10 a.m. yesterday may be indicated by a red dot
    • after 10 a.m. on the intranet, tracked pages updated between yesterday 10 a.m. and today 10 a.m. may be marked with a red dot
  • The user is subscribed to a list of pages, every Monday at 10:00 a.m.
    • at 10 a.m. each day, it will receive by mail the list of pages updated the previous week (among the pages followed), i.e. between Monday -7 days at 10 a.m. and the current week at 10 a.m.
    • before Monday 10am on the intranet, tracked pages updated between Monday -14 days at 10am and Monday -7 days at 10am may be marked with a red dot
    • before Monday 10am on the intranet, tracked pages updated between Monday -7 days at 10am and Monday of the current week at 10am may be marked with a red dot
  • The user is subscribed to a list of pages, on the 1st Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
    • every 1st Monday at 10 a.m., it will receive by mail the list of pages updated the previous month (among the pages followed), i.e. between the 1st Monday of month M-1 at 10 a.m. and the 1st Monday of the current month at 10 a.m.
    • before 10am on the 1st Monday of the month on the intranet. Pages updated between 10am on the 1st Monday of month M-2 and 10am on the 1st Monday of month M-1 may be marked with a red dot .
    • after 10 a.m. on the 1st Monday of the month on the intranet, tracked pages updated between 10 a.m. on the 1st Monday of month M-1 and 10 a.m. on the 1st Monday of the current month may be marked with a red dot .

The mail sent to subscribers lists the pages updated during the period defined by the subscription frequency.

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