Subscriptions by theme (version 2.15.0 or higher)

Starting with version 2.15.0, plugin allows users to subscribe to one or more themes by choosing the consultation channels (email and/or notification center on the intranet) and the notification frequency (instant, daily, weekly, monthly).

  1. Setting up theme-based subscriptions
  2. Forcing group subscriptions
  3. Subscriber notifications
    1. Notification center
    2. Notification by mail

Setting up theme-based subscriptions

A subscription theme is a content label.

All content tagged with a theme will be notified to subscribers each time it is published or updated.

To enable users to subscribe to a theme and choose their notification preferences (distribution channel, frequency), it is necessary to insert the "My subscriptions" service on a page of the site.

In the service parameters, select the label category with the list of subscription themes.

How you render the service depends on your graphic charter.

This service should enable users to change their subscription preferences:

  • add / delete a subscription
  • modify notification frequency (instant, daily, weekly, monthly)
  • change the consultation channel (email, intranet)

The page containing this service should be labeled "Subscription configuration page". This makes it possible to add a link to modify subscription preferences in notification e-mails.

Here's an example of integration.

Shaded subscriptions are those "forced" by a site administrator. The user can neither modify nor delete them.

The time and day of sending depends on the application settings.

Forcing group subscriptions

A site administrator can force theme subscriptions for specific groups from the back office.

Open the "Group subscriptions" tool in the advanced tools of the "Administration" tab

This tool lists existing group subscriptions and allows you to add, modify or delete a subscription.

All group users will be notified of updates, at the frequency and via the channel defined.

The administrator chooses the time and day of dispatch, independently of the day/time set in the general configuration parameters.

A user cannot modify or delete a group subscription.
A group subscription can be displayed on its preference page, but cannot be modified or deleted.

Subscriber notifications

Subscribers to a theme can receive notifications of publications or updates either via mail, or on the intranet (notification center), or both.
The frequency of notifications depends on the subscriber's preferences (instant, daily, weekly, monthly).

Example of notifications according to subscription frequency and consultation channel:

  • The user subscribes to theme A, every day at 10:00 a.m.
    • at 10 a.m. each day, mail will send him a summary of the content published or updated the previous day, i.e. between yesterday 10 a.m. and today 10 a.m.
    • before 10 a.m. on the intranet, the notification center will display content published or updated between 10 a.m. yesterday and 10 a.m. yesterday
    • after 10 a.m. on the intranet, the notification center will display content published or updated between yesterday 10 a.m. and today 10 a.m.
  • The user subscribes to theme A, every Monday at 10:00 a.m.
    • every Monday at 10 a.m., mail will send them a summary of the previous week's published or updated content, i.e. between Monday -7d at 10 a.m. and Monday at 10 a.m.
    • before Monday 10am on the intranet, the notification center will display content published or updated between Monday -14 days at 10am and Monday -7 days at 10am
    • after Monday 10am on the intranet, the notification center will display content published or updated between Monday -7 days at 10am and Monday of the current week at 10am
  • The user subscribes to theme A, on the 1st Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
    • every Monday at 10 a.m., mail will send him a summary of the content published or updated during the previous month, between the 1st Monday of month M-1 at 10 a.m. and the 1st Monday of the current month at 10 a.m.
    • before the 1st Monday of the month at 10am on the intranet, the notification center will display content published or updated between the 1st Monday of month M-2 at 10am and the 1st Monday of month M-1 at 10am.
    • before the 1st Monday of the month at 10am on the intranet, the notification center will display content published or updated between the 1st Monday of month M-1 at 10am and the 1st Monday of the current month at 10am.

Notification center

The Notification Center is designed to display the latest news on themes to which the user has subscribed via the "Intranet" channel.

The content of the notification center depends on the user's subscriptions and subscription frequency (according to the algorithm described above).

The rendering of the notification center depends on the graphic charter.

Here's an example of a possible rendering:

In this example, the notification center is displayed in the header of all pages.
It displays the number of subscriptions (themes) with unread news.
Each subscription displays the list of content in the theme published or updated in the subscription frequency.
The "purple" dot in front of each theme indicates those "unread".

The "Read articles" link displays a popup window listing all the latest news on the theme.

When this popup is opened, the new items in the theme are considered read, the "purple" dot in the corresponding theme disappears, and the subscription counter is decremented.

Notification by mail

Like the notification center, the mail sent to subscribers brings together all the content published or updated in the theme, within the period defined by the subscription frequency.

Subscribers receive a mail by subscription theme.

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