1. Presentation
    1. Overview
  2. Main features
    1. Acknowledgement of receipt
    2. List of forms
    3. Form entries
      1. Standard life cycle
        1. Request for additional information stage
      2. Input limitation
  3. Forms dashboard



This module lets you create forms for your visitors. Forms can be entered using the online editor for rich-text fields: see the Form Editor documentation.

The data entered can be sent to external applications or directly processed by the CMS, respectively known as :

  • External form: data is sent to external applications.
  • Form CMS: data is processed internally.


Render a contact form:

Main features

  • Robust, intuitive online editor for entering forms in your content.
  • Validation of form fields: mandatory fields, min and max numbers, regular expressions, etc. (see Form editing)
  • Alerts email notifying new data submissions. (see Form editing)
  • Acknowledgement of receipt (mail) sent to visitors after a submission. 
  • Form entries: lists form entries and enables a number of operations, such as deleting entries, exporting to Excel...
  • List of forms: list of forms contained in site content

Acknowledgement of receipt

In the Form editing tab CMS, click on the Acknowledgement button to set up such a system.

The acknowledgement of receipt settings window opens:

Fill in the fields :

  • Sender: email address which will appear as the sender of theemail acknowledgement of receipt. Leave blank to use the default value (application setting).
  • To: Select the "email" form field to be used as the recipient of the acknowledgement of receipt.
  • Then fill in the subject and body of theemail.

Your form must contain at least one field of type email to be able to implement this functionality:

List of forms

From the Home tab, the "Forms" tool lets you view all the forms present in the site's content.

From this screen, you can:

  • Export: Excel export of form entries
  • View entries: access to form data, i.e. all form responses (the same operation can be performed with a double-click)
  • View query SQL: displays the text of the SQL query used to retrieve all form data for further processing.
  • Delete all: deletes all entries
  • Open the content containing the form by clicking on the link in the "Content title" column.

Form entries

You can access form entries either from the "Forms" tool shown above, or from content.

In the Content tab, click on the Form entries button.

The page must contain at least one form for this button to be active.

If there is only one form, the tool opens directly on the only possibility. Otherwise, a window opens, allowing you to select a form from the various possible ones.

If the form has a lifecycle (see Editing forms - v2.0.0), the form entry viewer appears as shown below.

From this screen, you can:

  • Export: Excel export of form entries
  • View entries: access to form data, i.e. all form responses (the same operation can be performed with a double-click)
  • View query SQL: displays the text of the SQL query used to retrieve all form data for further processing.
  • Delete: deletes one or more entries
  • Delete all: deletes all entries

Standard life cycle

The lifecycle is fully configurable (see Plugin Forms - Integration manual v1.9.0).

The standard lifecycle, proposed by default, has 4 states:

  • Submitted: a visitor has submitted a request (form response)
  • Accepted: the webmaster has accepted the request
  • Refused: the webmaster refused the request
  • Request for additional information: the webmaster has requested additional information from the requester.

To manage form entries, you need to select a form from the form tool or theform entry tool (tools explained above).

Select an answer and pass the form entry to one of the steps of your choice from the Suggested button.

Request for additional information stage

In the standard lifecycle, the completion request may result in a mail being sent to the visitor who responded to the form.

However, this is subject to the condition that the form has a field of type "email".

If this is the case, the following dialog box will be displayed when requesting a supplement.

Check the "Send to mail" box and customize the mail text to be sent.

If you wish to advance the workflow without sending mail, uncheck the "Send mail" box.

Input limitation

If input restriction has been performed (see Forms editing section), 

here is the text indicating the number of places remaining (with default values) :

here is the text indicating that the form is no longer available: 

Forms dashboard

From version 2.12.0

The "Forms Dashboard " service enables logged-in users to view all the forms they have answered, and their status, from the front office.

Select a page in the sitemap and insert the "Forms dashboard" service.

Service parameters


Service title

Form without life cycle

Check the box to display responses from forms without a workflow cycle


Select service view

The dashboard displays all responses/requests submitted by the user with their status.
Status depends on the workflow defined by the form.
Status is empty for forms without workflow.

For each entry, you can view the details of the request and its status history in a popup window.

The rendering of this service depends on the graphic charter; the rendering above is an example.

As the dashboard is specific to the logged-in user, the service must be inserted in a page with limited access.



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