Microsoft configuration

As of 12/31/2022, Microsoft has stopped supporting simple authentication for access to Exchange Online.
This authentication mode is used until version 1.9 of this connector.
As of version 1.10, two connectors coexist: the classic connector, compatible with on-premise Exchange installations, and the "Microsoft Graph" connector, using OAUth 2.0 authentication, compatible with Exchange Online.

Setting up the "Microsoft Graph" connector

To use the Microsoft Graph connector, starting with version 1.10 of plugin, you need to log in as administrator to the Azure portal, then access the application registration.

You need to create a : 

Once the application has been created, the values Application ID and Tenant ID must be noted.

The next step is to create the application's secret key:

Please note that the key must be noted at the time of creation, as it will no longer be accessible afterwards.

The three values (the two identifiers and the secret key) are entered in the general configuration ofAmetys.


The final step is to grant access rights to the application:

Be sure to add application accesses, and to give administrator consent to these authorizations, otherwise the Ametys access will not work.

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