Events Calendar Service

From version 2.10.x onwards, we recommend using the search engine-based "Events Calendar" service, with its "Small Calendar" view.

Use the"Events Calendar" service to display events, news, etc. in a small calendar.

In the calendar, an event can take place over a single or several consecutive days.

  1. Add service
  2. Service configuration
  3. Overview

Add service

Select a site page and a zone of your choice. Go to the "Add a service" menu and click on "Events calendar" to insert the calendar.

Service configuration

The service is configured in 2 steps:

  • search context parameters
  • display parameters

Step 1 Research contexts :

Search contexts parameter




Calendar title


Content types

Choice of content types that can be displayed in the calendar.
The content types available here are those with a "start-date" attribute.


Number of months

Number of past months (in relation to the current month) that can be viewed.
Default value is 3.


Number of future months

Number of future months (relative to the current month) that can be viewed.
Default value is 3.


Research contexts :

 Enter 1 to n search contexts.

  • Search sites: Define which sites are used to search for content
  • Research context : Choose whether the content should be searched in :
    • the entire current site
    • daughter pages: only the contents of the daughter pages of the page containing the service 
    • daughter pages of: only the contents of the daughter pages of the selected page
    • direct child pages: only the content of direct child pages of the page containing the service
    • the direct daughter pages of: only the contents of the direct daughter pages of the selected page
  • Languages : choose the language of the content :
    • in the current language: only content in the language of the current sitemap
    • in other languages: content in a language other than that of the current site map
    • any language: all content in any language
  • Labels : Select one or more tags to limit the display to content bearing that tag or tags. Example: display news items with the "Event" label
  • Strict label search: The checkbox is used to disable top-down autoposting. For example, if this box is checked and you have selected a search on the "Sport" tag, only content tagged with this tag will be retrieved. If the box is unchecked, content tagged with the "Sport" label or a child label ("Athletics", "Swimming", ...) will be visible in the content feed.













Step 2 Display :

Parameter Display



 Take user rights into account

 Check this option if you want only events to which the user has access to be reported.

Warning: this option disables page caching, thus degrading performance. It is not recommended on high-traffic pages, such as the home page.


Contents on the same page

Check this box to display a summary view of events below the calendar.
Otherwise, they will be displayed on a separate page.
To view an event, click on the corresponding day.


Link to a page

Link to a site page often displayed below the calendar (e.g. "View all events")


Link text

Link label.
By default, this is the title of the selected page.



Choice of service rendering.
Depends on the graphic charter used.



The rendering of the calendar depends on the graphic charter. Here are 2 examples.

Displays events for the selected day
under the calendar.

Selecting a day opens the
page containing the news/event.


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