Graphics migration 2.8 to 2.9

    • Modification of JS helper AmetysHelperLinkDirectory.saveUserPrefs

      The signature of AmetysHelperLinkDirectory 's saveUserPrefs method has been modified.
      As 4th argument, this method now expects the current language.

      Here is the full signature:

      saveUserPrefs: function(orderedLinks, hiddenLinks, siteUriPrefix, language zoneItemId, successCB, errorCB)  
          // ...  

      Example of a call in XSL :

          orderedLinks<xsl:value-of select="$buttonId"/>,  
          "<xsl:value-of select="$site-uri-prefix"/>",  
          "<xsl:value-of select="ametys:lang()"/>",  
          $j('#zone-item-id-<xsl:value-of select="$buttonId"/>').val(),  
          removeUserLinks<xsl:value-of select="$buttonId"/>,  
          function() {  
              alert("<i18n:text i18n:key="PLUGINS_LINKDIRECTORY_CONFIGURE_DIALOG_ERROR_SAVE_USERPREFS" i18n:catalogue=""/>");  

      Check your skin for the use of AmetysHelperLinkDirectory.saveUserPrefs and add the current language as the 4th argument.

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