Link directory toolv1.3.0, v1.4.0

The plugin link directory provides a back-office tool for link management.

  1. Directory tool presentation
  2. Inserting a link in the directory
  3. Link modification/deletion
  4. Arrange links
  5. Theme management
  6. Displaying links on the site

Directory tool presentation

Click on the Link directory button in the Home to open the Link Directory tool

This table-based tool lets you create, modify, delete or order links, and classify them by theme.

Internal links are clickable and open the page in a new tab.

Inserting a link in the directory

You can add 2 types of links:

  • an external link: link to an external site(http://... or https://...)
  • an internal link: a link to a page on the current site or another site managed by Ametys

1/ Click on the menu New link and select the type of link you wish to create :

2/ In the dialog box that opens, enter the link information



Present only for an external link

Url complete external link.
Must be in the form http://... or https://...


Present only for an internal link

Select a page from the current site or another site.

Link textText to be displayed instead of the link (optional)
If this is empty,url will be displayed.
Link titleAdditional help in the link text, displayed as a tooltip on mouse-over
(e.g. "Go to ...", "Visit the site of ...").
VignetteLink illustration or pictogram (optional)
Alternative vignetteAlternative thumbnail text when image cannot be displayed
ThemesLink themes
DescriptionMulti-line link description (optional)
Limited to logged-in users

Check this box to restrict access to the link to logged-in users only.
If the box is checked, the following settings "Restricted to users" and "Restricted to groups"
will be ignored.

Limited to usersRestricts access to the link to selected users.
This value has no effect if "Restricted to logged-in users" is checked.
Limited to groups

Restricts access to the link to selected groups.
This value has no effect if "Restricted to logged-in users" is checked.

3/ Select themes

Click on the button in the "Themes" field to select themes.

The dialog box that opens allows you to select, add, modify or delete themes.

Link modification/deletion

Select the link you wish to modify or delete in the table, then click on the button in the ribbon corresponding to the desired action.

Arrange links

Use the "To top", "Up", "Down" and "To bottom" buttons to change the order in which links are displayed.

Theme management

Click on "Manage themes" to add, modify or delete themes. It is also possible to manage themes directly from the dialog box for adding or modifying a link.

A theme consists of a single label. The identifier (for internal use and for the charter creator) is calculated automatically.

Displaying links on the site

To display a list of links on the site, add the "Link directory" service.

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Link directory