Page creation wizard settings have been modified.
You are affected by this migration if your graphic charts use the XSL ametys -front-edition-insert-create-page-button template from plugin Front Edition.
In 1.5, to hide the choice of template, content type and labels in the wizard, the template ametys-front-edition-insert-create-page-button had to be called with the following parameter:
<xsl:param name="config">{force: true}</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="config">{force: true}</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="config">{force: true}</xsl:param>
In 1.6, each wizard "page" can be individually hidden.
The force: true parameter is used to force default values.
Si vous utilisez le paramétrage {force: true}, vous devrez le remplacer par:
<xsl:param name="config">{ force: true, "show-card-type": false, "show-card-content": false, "show-card-tags": false }</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="config">{ force: true, "show-card-type": false, "show-card-content": false, "show-card-tags": false }</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="config">{ force: true, "show-card-type": false, "show-card-content": false, "show-card-tags": false }</xsl:param>