1. General presentation
  2. Explore the content type tree
  3. Export content type tree
  4. Display content type information
  5. Export a content type

General presentation

The Content Types tool is available in the "Settings" section of the "Administration" tab.

It allows you to consult existing content types.
Content type export functions are also available.

Explore the content type tree

Open the "Content types" tool, and the associated ribbon will be displayed, along with a new window in the left-hand side area showing a hierarchical tree of existing content types.

You can switch from the hierarchical view to a flat view by clicking on the   group in the Ribbon to disable the default hierarchical view.

In this flat view it is possible to hide certain elements (abstracts, roles, reference tables) using the following buttons:

A filter at the top of the tree lets you quickly find a type of content.

Export content type tree

The content type tree can be exported:

  • Zip export: this is a Zip archive made up of .xls files (one per content type) containing all the necessary information on content type definitions.
  • Full graphic export: This is a png export of the hierarchical structure of content types (TO BE COMPLETED).

Display content type information

Simply double-click on a content type from the content type tree, or select a content type and click on the group to display its information in a new window in the central zone.

The new window displayed consists of 3 zones:

  • Zone 1 indicates the label, identifier, default title and right required to create the content type,
  • Zone 2 lists content type attributes and views as a hierarchical tree:
    • The "Attributes" node, which groups content attributes on one or more levels, depending on their complexity,
    • The "Views" node, which groups together the various views of the content type. Under each view node, the list of attributes it contains is displayed.
  • Zone 3 displays the details of the element selected in the tree (attribute or view).
    The insert at the top right of the zone indicates whether the selected attribute is mandatory, multiple (several possible values) or enumerated (based on a list of predefined values).

A button in the "Content type" group can be used to hide inherited content.

Export a content type

You can export a type of content using the buttons provided:

  • Excel export: this is an export in Excel format in which all the necessary information on the definition of the selected content type is present.
  • Graphic export: This exports the hierarchical structure of the selected content type in png format. 


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ContentTypes Editor