• Registration form

      This page should only be used if script asks you to manually migrate skin.20220127.UD.signup

      If script asks you to skip this migration, it's because you've overloaded one or more kernel templates for rendering the registration form.

      Input XML has been modified and the XSL helper containing templates for rendering fields, buttons and forms has been rewritten.

      Before performing the graphic migration, run the following script to check whether the "Content proposal" service is really in use:

      let count = 0;
      Repository.query("//element(*, ametys:zoneItem)[@ametys-internal:service='org.ametys.web.service.UserSignup']").forEach(function(zoneItem) {
      print(`${count} signup services found`);

      If script returns 0 results, it's probably best to simply remove the service rendering overload. To do this, delete the services/user-directory/pages/services/user-signup folder from your charts.

      Otherwise, the service will have to be reintegrated, avoiding as much as possible template overloads XSL from the helper "service:web://pages/services/contenttype/helper/form.xsl"

      We strongly advise against overloading (or even forbidding) these templates, especially the "contenttype-form" and "contenttype-form-***" templates, at the risk of not benefiting from any enhancements or corrections.

      For the rendering of form fields, if an overload had been made to change a class css, this overload should be banned and the css modified instead to ensure correct rendering.

      If the charter includes an overload of templates of the type "contenttype-form-field-string", "contenttype-form-field-content", ... compare them with their equivalent in form.xsl of the form:

      • <xsl:template match="metadata[@type='string']" mode="contenttype-form-field">
      • <xsl:template match="metadata[@type='content']" mode="contenttype-form-field">

      If they are identical within one class CSS , remove the overload and modify the css rendering.

      If it's necessary to override the rendering of a particular field type, the form templates:

      <xsl:template match="email" mode="contenttype-form-field">

      are to be replaced by:

      <xsl:template match="metadata[@name='email']" mode="contenttype-form-field">

      Also look for any occurrences of "user-content-type-view/metadataSet". These correspond to the old XML and are no longer valid; they must be replaced.

      For example:

      <xsl:apply-templates select="/user-signup/user-content-type-view/metadataSet/*[local-name() != 'firstname' and local-name() != 'lastname']">

      is replaced by:

      <xsl:apply-templates select="/user-signup/view/*[@name != 'firstname' and @name != 'lastname']">

      You can draw inspiration from the Workspaces chart.




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