Administration manual

Nextcloud application configuration

To connect Ametys to a Nextcloud server, you need to create OAuth keys in Nextcloud. To do this, you need an account that can access the server's administration parameter and generate one key pair per application Ametys.

To do this, you need to fill in

  • An application name that will be visible to the user when they link their Nextcloud account to Ametys. (The image on the right shows an example of a connection with an application registered as "Ametys" in Nextcloud).
  • Une URL de redirection sous la forme <ApplicationURL>/_extra-user-management/oauth-callback.

We recommend that you use the same application name to register all Ametys applications, to avoid confusing the user with different names that could suggest phishing, for example.

For example, in a standard configuration with a back-office application and a site application, the following two keys must be created:

  • Nom : "Mon application"; URL de redirection : <bo-server-url>/_extra-user-management/oauth-callback,
  • Nom : "Mon application"; URL de redirection : <site-server-url>/_extra-user-management/oauth-callback.

Où <bo-server-url> est par exemple

Network configuration

The back office must be able to communicate directly with the nextcloud server via http(s). The same applies to the website.

Installation ofAmetys

To be able to use Nextcloud, you need to add the following two lines to your application's Ivy dependencies:

<dependency org="org.ametys.plugins" name="nextcloud" branch="1.0.x" rev="latest.release" conf="cms_compile_dependencies->compile_dependencies;cms_runtime_dependencies->runtime_dependencies;cms_compile,cms_runtime->runtime"/>
<dependency org="org.ametys.plugins" name="nextcloud-oauth" branch="1.0.x" rev="latest.release" conf="site_compile_dependencies->compile_dependencies;site_runtime_dependencies->runtime_dependencies;site_compile,site_runtime->runtime"/>

Configuration ofAmetys

Three configuration parameters must be set before Nextcloud can be used. These parameters must be set in the back office and on the website.

  • URL server: theURL to be used to contact the Nextcloud server
  • Customer ID: the customer ID generated for this application in Nextcloud during the Nextcloud configuration stage.
  • Secret: the secret generated for this application in Nextcloud during the Nextcloud configuration stage.
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