Mail content overload

Notifications and acknowledgements of receipt can be overwritten. The following XSL can be overloaded:

  • WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/results-text.xsl : XSL for mail notification in text format
  • WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/results.xsl : XSL for mail notification format HTML
  • WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl : XSL common to notification and acknowledgement emails for displaying replies (text or HTML)

It is also possible to overload e-mails according to the graphic charter:

  • skins/[SKIN_NAME]/stylesheets/forms/mail/results-text.xsl : XSL for mail notification in text format
  • skins/[SKIN_NAME]/stylesheets/forms/mail/results.xsl : XSL for mail notification format HTML
  • skins/[SKIN_NAME]/stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl : XSL common to notification and acknowledgement emails for displaying replies (text or HTML)


Example file WEB-INF/param/view/stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"  
   <xsl:import href="plugin:forms://stylesheets/forms/mail/form-entry.xsl"/>  
   <xsl:template match="entry" mode="text">  
        <!-- Surcharge des réponses pour le format text (commune à tous les sites) -->  
   <xsl:template match="entry" mode="html">  
 <!-- Surcharge des réponses pour le format HTML (commune à tous les sites) -->  



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