1. Report
  2. Results


Access to this report is subject to the "Generate MCC report" right.

The button MCC allows you to run calculations on knowledge control procedures for a given component in .doc or .xls format.

Knowledge control procedures must be entered before running the report, see the MCC entry page.

Clicking on the button opens a pop-up window for you to select the MCC report parameters.





Select from the drop-down list the component on which the report is to be run.

If you do not select a component, the report will be run on all components. 



Select the catalog on which you want to run the report.



Select the language for content included in the report.


Output format

Select report output format: Word (doc) - default - or Excel (xls)


The output format is available from version 4.3 onwards.

Click on OK to confirm.
A new pop-up will open to confirm your choice to launch the MCC report.

From the piloting tab, click on the search button in the search criteria to bring up the MCC report.

To download the report, double-click on it or go to the Steering tab and click on the Download report button.

The downloaded report is in zip format and contains the calculation files for each course.


It displays all the information from the MCC fields entered in the Control tab of the lowest-level ELPs.

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