- Presentation
- Lifecycle rights management ODF Steering
- Steps to validateODF piloting
- Validation mention
- Validation Component
- CFVU (Conseil de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire) approval
- Validation CFVU MCC (Modalité de Contrôle des Connaissances)
- Pooling management
- Tool: Pilot status
In parallel with the publication lifecycle, the piloting workflow can be used to apply validations to entire course models and to a list of "restricted" fields (or fields with "evolving rights") (diploma, level, ects, mcc exam regulations, etc.).
Actions linked to this lifecycle are only available on Formations.
The piloting life cycle consists of 4 levels of validation:
- Validated mention
- Validated component
- Validated by CFVU (Conseil de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire)
- Validated by CFVU MCC (Modalité de Contrôle des Connaissances)

These states are sequenced as follows:
Mention validation -> Component validation -> CFVU and/or CFVU MCC validation
Each level of validation applies to the entire training model.
Lifecycle rights management ODF Steering
Each action button is subject to a specific right. The rights to be added are as follows:
- Validation mention
- Modification post validation mention
- Component validation
- Post-validation component modification
- CFVU (Conseil de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire) approval
- Validation CFVU MCC (Modalité de Contrôle des Connaissances)
Depending on the rights granted to users, it is possible to create several user profiles, for example :
- Mention validator profile: has the right to Validation mention
This profile activates or deactivates the Validated mention level of the piloting lifecycle. It can no longer make changes to the model or modifications to restricted fields.
- Component Validator profile: Has the rights Post-validation modification for mention and Component validation
This profile allows you to make modifications to the layout or modifications to restricted fields at the mention level.
You can also activate/deactivate the component validation level. After that, he/she can no longer make changes to the layout or restricted fields.
- CFVU Validator: Holds the rights to Modify after component validation and CFVU Validation
This profile enables you to make modifications to models or modifications to restricted fields at component level. It can also activate/deactivate the CFVU validation level. This profile can still make layout or field modifications, but must first withdraw CFVU validation.
- CFVU MCC Validator: Has CFVU MCC Validation rights . This profile can activate/deactivate the CFVU MCC validation level, which has the effect of blocking the entry of MCC fields. This profile can still make changes to MCC fields, even if they are blocked for other contributors.
Lists of fields blocked in each state can be configured in projects.
Steps to validateODF piloting
Validation mention
- Search for a training course using the Training Search tool
- In the Training tab, click on the Training model

- Select a training course
- Validate the first workflow : Validated mention

- A pop-up appears to enter the validation date and a comment.

After Validation Mention :
- Buttons for adding/deleting elements in the layout are blocked
- The following list of fields is blocked for entry:
In terms of training The following information is provided: name, ministerial domain, major, specialization, target level of study, entry level, RNCP level, ISCED97 reference system, co-accredited institutions, RNCP reference system, ECTS, duration, nature, study regime(s) and distance learning.
At container level : ECTS, nature and period.
At list level ELP : the type and number ofELP to choose from.
At ELP : name, type, ECTS and level of study.
User profiles with specific rights Post-validation modification Mention have no blocked fields.
For user profiles that do not have this specific right, it is possible to cancel the validation by clicking again on the Validated Mention.

A pop-up appears to return to the previous state

Validation Component
Once the course has been validated at the endorsement level, you can validate the lifecycle following component validation.
- Always select your course from the Course Model tool
- Validate the second workflow : Validated component

- A pop-up appears to enter the validation date and a comment.

After Validation Component :
- Buttons for adding/deleting elements in the layout are blocked
- The following list of fields is blocked for entry:
In terms of training The following information is provided: name, ministerial domain, major, specialization, target level of study, entry level, RNCP level, ISCED97 reference system, co-accredited institutions, RNCP reference system, ECTS, duration, nature, study regime(s) and distance learning.
At container level : ECTS, nature and period.
At list level ELP : the type and number ofELP to choose from.
At ELP : name, type, ECTS and level of study.
User profiles with specific rights Post-validation modification Component have no blocked fields.
For user profiles that do not have this specific right, it is possible to cancel the validation by clicking again on the Validated Component.

A pop-up appears to return to the previous state Validated mention and users who have the right to Modification post validation mention will be able to modify blocked fields.

CFVU (Conseil de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire) approval
Once the course has been validated at the mention and component validation levels, you can validate the following lifecycle Validation CFVU.
- Always select your course from the Course Model tool
- Validate the third workflow : Validated by CFVU

- A pop-up appears to enter the validation date and a comment.

- After CFVU validation:
- The buttons for adding/deleting elements in the model are blocked
- The list of the following fields is blocked for entry:
For a course: title, ministerial domain, major, specialization, target level of study, entry level, RNCP level, ISCED97 reference framework, co-accredited institutions, RNCP reference framework, ECTS, duration, type, study regime(s) and distance learning.For a container: ECTS, type and period.
At container level: ECTS, nature and period.
At list level ELP : type, number ofELP to choose from and Among.
At ELP level : label, nature, ECTS and study level.
For all user profiles, all fields are blocked.
You can cancel validation by clicking on the Validated by CFVU.

A pop-up appears to return to the previous state Validated component and users who have the right to Post-validation modification Component will be able to modify blocked fields.

Validation CFVU MCC (Modalité de Contrôle des Connaissances)
Once the course has been validated at the mention, component and CFVU validation levels, you can validate the last life cycle Validation CFVU MCC.
- Always select your course from the Course Model tool
- Validate the last workflow : Validated CFVU MCC

- A pop-up appears to enter the validation date and a comment.

- After CFVU MCC validation:
- The buttons for adding / deleting elements in the model are blocked
- The list of the following fields is blocked for entry:
At the course level: title, ministerial domain, major, specialization, target level of study, entry level, RNCP level, ISCED97 reference framework, co-accredited institutions, RNCP reference framework, ECTS, duration, type, study regime(s) and distance learning.At the container level: ECTS, type and period.
At container level: ECTS, nature and period.
At list level ELP : type, number ofELP to choose from and Among.
At ELP level : label, nature, ECTS, study level and all fields linked to the MCC.
For all user profiles, all fields are blocked.
You can cancel validation by clicking on the Validated by CFVU MCC.

A pop-up appears to return to the previous Validated CFVU status.

Pooling management
In the case of a shared element, this element is in the validation state of the most advanced parent course.
(For shared containers, it might be possible to use the concept of "promising training").
When pooling occurs on a level 1 element, each time an action is performed, a message warns the validator of the presence of this element.
Tool: Pilot status
The status tool in the training tab lets you consult the status of any element in a model.

The ergonomics of this tool are inspired by the History tool: