Manual for graphical migration from version 2.4.x to version 2.5.x

  1. Services
    1. Training search
    2. Auto-completion on the course and EU search engine (since 12/02/2016)
  2. Jqtransform


Training search

A new view has been added, following the implementation of multiple-choice facets in the ODF search (ODF-1099).
File address: odf-web\pages\services\search-multicriteria.xsl

This is the view that allows the user to make multiple choices by facet. Depending on your requirements, you may need to exclude or integrate this view graphically.

Auto-completion on the course and EU search engine (since 12/02/2016)

If you have overloaded the XSL services\odf-web\pages\services\search-criteria\search-criteria_1.2.xsl and the "common-service-head-js" template in your graphic charter, use the "js-autocompletion" template to activate autocompletion on the "keywords" search field.

<xsl:template name="common-service-head-js">
        <!-- surcharge éventuelle -->
        <xsl:call-template name="js-autocompletion"/>




Again for the purposes of ODF-1099 jqtransform has been patched, if your chart uses jqtransform, it must be updated (see demo chart).
File address: skins\NAME_SKIN\resources\js\jquery.jqtransform.js




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