Reference tables ODF

  1. Reference table attributes ODF
  2. List of reference tables ODF
    1. Tables in the enumeration category
    2. Tables in the Export Apogée category
    3. Tables in the Pilotage category
    4. Tables in the repositories category of theODF
    5. Tables in the skills category

Reference tables allow users to set variousODF attributes. 

Reference table attributes ODF

All entries in a ODF reference table have the following attributes: 

 Attribute name



Entry label 


Unique reference table identifier


Integer defining the order of the entry in relation to the others. 

This order is used, for example, to display the site map. 

Note: If an entry has no order, it appears below entries with an order, sorted alphabetically. 


This attribute is only present in version 4.4 and later.

An entry with the Boolean "Archived" set to true can no longer be selected for editing or searching. 

Some entries also have the following attributes: 

 Attribute name


 Value CDM-fr

This value is used for exports CDM-Fr. 

 Apogee code

 This value is used for Apogée exports. 

List of reference tables ODF

Here is the list of reference tables with their associated field(s) for each content ODF (Formation, Parcours, Conteneur, Etablissement et Composante, Liste d'ELP, ELP).

Tables in the enumeration category

 Category listing


 Associated fields in content / 

Further information



  • (Training or Path) - Contacts tab - Campus field
  • ELP - Contacts tab - Campus field

Teaching type category

  • ELP - Presentation tab - Teaching hours - Teaching type field
  • ELP - Piloting tab - Session 1 or single knowledge control session - Nature of teaching field



(Training or Career) - Overview tab - Possible certifications field

Training fields 

(Training or Path) - In brief tab - Training field(s)

Apprenticeship contract 

(Training or Path) - Internships and work-study programs tab - Contract type field 


Training - Diploma field



(Training or Career) - Overview tab - Discipline(s) field


(Training or Path) - field Ministerial fields 



(Training or Path) - Overview tab - Duration field



(Training or Path) - In brief tab - ECTS field

Co-accredited institution

(Training or Paths) - Contacts tab - Co-accredited institution field

Distance learning

(Training or Path) - At a glance tab - Distance learning field


International training 

(Training or Path) - Presentation tab - International training field

Form of teaching

ELP - In brief tab - Teaching form field


  • (Training or Path) - Presentation tab - Language(s) of instruction field
  • ELP - Overview tab - Language(s) of instruction field


  • (Training or Career) - Contacts tab - Location(s) field
  • ELP - Contacts tab - Location(s) field

Location abroad 

(Training or Career) - Presentation tab - International location(s) field

Bachelor's degree, professional bachelor's degree and master's degree

The link between the diploma and the type of endorsement is made directly through the "Type of endorsement" attribute in the "Diploma" reference table. 

Several diplomas can be linked to the same type of mention






Teaching method

ELP - In brief tab - Teaching method field

Nature (container)

Container - Nature field


Nature (ELP)

ELP - Nature field

Nature (Teaching)

  • ELP - Presentation tab - Teaching hours - Teaching type field
  • ELP - Steering tab - Session 1 and session 2 - Nature of teaching field


Type of diploma 

Training - In brief tab - nature field


Study level

  • Training - Presentation tab - Level of study field
  • (Training or Path)- Presentation tab - Entry level field
  • ELP - Presentation tab - Study level field



  • ELP - Control tab - Period field
  • Container - Period field


Teaching period

ELP - In brief tab - Time of year field

Time zone

ELP - overview tab - time slot field


  • (Training or Career) - Contacts tab - Role field
  • ELP - Contacts tab - Role field

Sector of activity 

(Training or Path) - Prerequisites and opportunities tab - Business sector(s) field



  • (Training or Path) - Internships and work-study programs tab - Internships field
  • (Training or Career path) - Internships and work-study programs tab - Internships abroad field


Type of teaching

  • (Training or Career) - At a glance tab - Study plan field
  • ELP - Tab in Brief - Teaching Organization field

Component type

Component - Type

Period type

The "Period Type" reference table is used to type entries in the "Period" reference table. 

Tables in the Export Apogée category

Export Apogée

Associated fields in content / 

Further information



(Route, ELP or Container) - Apogée tab - CIP List field



(Training, Path or Container) - Apogée tab - Cycle field


Stage duration 

(Route or Container) - Apogée tab - Stage duration field


Registration system 

(Path or Container) - Apogée tab - Authorized enrolment plans field


Tables in the Pilotage category



Associated fields in content / 

Further information


Teaching discipline

  • ELP - Presentation tab - Teaching hours - Teaching discipline field
  • (ELP or Component) - Steering tab - Teaching discipline field



MCC evaluation method for session 1

ELP - Steering tab - Session 1- Modality


MCC evaluation method for session 2

ELP - Steering tab - Session 2 - Modality


MCC nature evaluation for MCC

ELP - Steering tab - Session 1 and session 2 - Nature



(ELP or Container) - Presentation tab - Teaching hours - Standard field

Consult this page to find out more about a standard.

Tables in the repositories category of theODF

 odf standards


Associated fields in content / 

Further information


Code Cite97

Training - Presentation tab - ISCED97 Referential field




(Training or Path) - In brief tab - DGESIP Sector field


Erasmus code

  • (Training or Path) - Presentation tab - ERASMUS-CITE referential field
  • ELP - + Info tab - ERASMUS referential field

FAP code

(Training or Path) - Pre-requisites and job opportunities tab - Référentiel FAP field


NSF code

(Training or Career) - Overview tab - NSF Referential field


ROME code

(Training or Career) - Pre-requisites and opportunities tab - ROME referential field

SISE code

  • (Formation or Parcours) - In brief tab - SISE referential field


  • Container - Apogée tab - SISE cycle code


RNCP level

Training - Presentation tab - RNCP Level field

Tables in the skills category



Associated fields in content / 

Further information


 Competence block

ELP - + info tab - Skills block field


  • (Training or Career) - Prerequisites and opportunities tab - Skills required field
  • ELP - + info tab - Skills required field
  • ELP - + info tab - Skills field

 Acquisition level 

ELP - + info tab - Skills - Acquisition level field


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