To enable the use of all the fields listed in the services (tickets ODF-820 and ODF-826), from version 2.3 onwards, the structure of the XML entry for the "training list" and "training search" services changes.
Skins overloading the relevant services must be updated.
List of training courses
The XSL rendering file can be found at plugin odf-web at pages/services/program-list/program-list_1.3.xsl.
To view the changes made to XSL directly, see SVN revision 26826.
Training search
The XSL rendering files can be found at plugin odf-web, in the following locations:
- pages/services/search/search_1.2.xsl
- pages/services/search/search-criteria/search-criteria_1.2.xsl
- pages/services/search/search-criteria/search-criteria-links_1.3.xsl
For a direct look at the differences between XSL and standard rendering, see SVN revisions 26871, 26872 and 26879.
Old version of the XML input stream | New version of the XML input stream |
Oops!Copy to clipboard failed. Open the code and copy it manually.<search site="www" lang="fr">
<zone-item id="..."/>
<level value="3" count="1">BAC +3</level>
<degree value="XB" count="0">Master</degree>
<search site="www" lang="fr">
<zone-item id="..."/>
<level value="3" count="1">BAC +3</level>
<degree value="XB" count="0">Master</degree>
<search site="www" lang="fr">
<zone-item id="..."/>
<level value="3" count="1">BAC +3</level>
<degree value="XB" count="0">Master</degree>
| Oops!Copy to clipboard failed. Open the code and copy it manually.<search site="www" lang="fr">
<zone-item id="..."/>
<educationLevel value="3" count="1">BAC +3</educationLevel>
<degree value="XB" count="0">Master (LMD)</degree>
<criterion name="degree">Diplôme</criterion>
<criterion name="educationLevel">Niveau d'étude visé</criterion>
<search site="www" lang="fr">
<zone-item id="..."/>
<educationLevel value="3" count="1">BAC +3</educationLevel>
<degree value="XB" count="0">Master (LMD)</degree>
<criterion name="degree">Diplôme</criterion>
<criterion name="educationLevel">Niveau d'étude visé</criterion>
<search site="www" lang="fr">
<zone-item id="..."/>
<educationLevel value="3" count="1">BAC +3</educationLevel>
<degree value="XB" count="0">Master (LMD)</degree>
<criterion name="degree">Diplôme</criterion>
<criterion name="educationLevel">Niveau d'étude visé</criterion>