Course catalog

  1. Generate teaching booklet
  2. Archive the voted teaching booklet
  3. Access archived course booklets
  4. Display the logbook (integration)

The educational booklet is available on a course and consists of 3 actions, described below. 

Generate teaching booklet

This menu is associated with the "Teaching guide: generate" right (available in the "Training offer" category).

The logbook can be generated for one or more courses. 

This involves creating a PDF file containing the latest validated version of the selected route(s) and all its ELPs. 

Dans le cas d'une génération, le pied de page du livret pédagogique comporte l'information "Version brouillon, générée le <Date>". 

A email is sent when generation is complete, and contains :

  • the link PDF in the case of a selected route
  • a zip file of the different PDF generated in the case of several selected routes

Archive the voted teaching booklet

This menu is associated with the "Teaching guide: archive" right (available in the "Training offer" category).

The voted logbook can be archived for one or more courses. 

When you click on the menu, the following window opens, allowing you to choose an archiving date: 

Once the date has been selected, archiving consists of : 

  • Generate the pedagogical booklet for the selected course(s) (latest validated version of the selected course(s) and its ELPs). 

In the case of archiving, the footer of the teaching booklet is 

"Validated by CFVU, on DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM" where DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM corresponds to the date selected in the first window. 

  • Keep the version of this educational booklet

A email is sent when generation is complete, and contains :

  • the link PDF in the case of a selected route
  • a zip file of the different PDF generated in the case of several selected routes

Access archived course booklets

This menu is associated with the "Educational booklet: view archives" right (available in the "Training offer" category).

Once a course has been selected, clicking on this menu opens a window containing all the educational booklets archived for the course: 

Click on the link PDF to consult the educational booklet. 

The "+" button is of no use in this window. 

Click on the '-' button to delete the archived logbook. 

Deleting a teaching booklet is associated with the "Teaching booklet: delete archives" right (available in the "Training offer" category). This right has priority over the right to view booklets. 

Display the logbook (integration)

A new helper xsl is available to display the link to the most recently voted course booklet.

For the header, call the OdfXSLHelper and the ResolveURIComponent :

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
exclude-result-prefixes="... odf resolver...">

Then create the link :

<xsl:variable name="pdf" select="odf:getEducationalBooklet(@parcoursId)" />
<xsl:if test="$pdf">
<a href="{resolver:resolve($pdf/@type, $pdf/@path)}" target="_blank">
Télécharger le livret
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