Training search service
This service is no longer maintained. We recommend that you use the search service.
This service allows you to search for training courses based on several criteria.
Click on Add a service ( Page tab) and choose the Search for training service .
The following service parameters must be completed:
- Title : The service title.
- Catalog : Catalogue of training courses
- Search on attributes: Attributes on which the visitor can search. Each selected attribute is displayed as a search criterion.
- Advanced search: Check the box to display the advanced search (all words, exact phrase, none of the words).
- Route search: If route search is enabled, keyword searches will also be performed in route data.
- Faceted search : If the box is checked, the criteria presented as a drop-down list will display the number of results in brackets, and will be refined as the criteria are selected.
- Results display : Select service display mode:
- Below search criteria: Display results below search criteria.
- Instead of search criteria: Launch search hides the form and displays results only.
- On the page selected below: Displays only the search form. The page displaying the results must be selected (see below).
- Results page: Page containing the 'search engine' service actually performing the search.
- Route display: Selection of route display mode
- Check rights: Tick the box to check rights when searching.
- Results per page: The number of results per page for pagination. Defaults to 10.
- Service identifier: Identifier used to communicate between two instances of this service (when criteria and results are not displayed on the same page).
- Display : Choice of rendering type :
- Choice-only lists (as links) refine your search by clicking on the links provided
- Classification of results by domain results are displayed by domain, and criteria can be used to limit the search
- Default: by default, classification by domain is used