1. Architecture of plugins ODF
  2. Listed fields
  3. Ribbon file
  4. Workflow
  5. Runtime file.xml
  6. Import and synchronization
    1. List of synchronizable fields
    2. Application configuration for Apogée
      1. Runtime file.xml for Apogée
      2. SQLMap mapping files
      3. Conversion files
      4. Configuration parameters
    3. Application configuration for CDM-fr (local mode)
      1. Runtime file.xml for CDM-fr
      2. Configuration parameter
    4. Application configuration for CDM-fr (remote or portal mode)
      1. Runtime file.xml for CDM-fr (remote or portal mode)


Architecture of plugins ODF

Ametys proposes 3 modules to build the training offer.

  • Plugin ODF
    Entry of training offer: courses, teaching units, components, etc.
    Including export CDM-fr
  • Plugin ODFSync
    Allows you to import and synchronize your training offer with an external database: Apogée or CDM-fr / ROF
  • Plugin ODFWeb
    Enables you to integrate your training offer into your website: training offer tree structure, advanced training search, lists of training courses classified by field, diploma type, component, etc., or even training course diagrams.

plugins ODF -sync and ODF-Web are optional.

Listed fields

In the training offer, a certain number of fields are enumerated fields (list of defined values): type of diploma, field, level of study, place of training, ROME code, DGESIP code, ERASMUS code, SISE code, etc ...

The values and labels of these fields are described in XML files (therefore configurable).

Download the xml files for these listed fields and copy them into your application's WEB-INF/param/odf directory.

For each of the possible values for a field, the XML file contains 3 pieces of information:

  • code: field value
  • i18n-key: the i18n key for translating the label into Ametys
  • cmdValue: the corresponding value in CDM-fr (optional, present if different from the value in Ametys)

Add the associated i18n keys to your application catalog(WEB-INF/i18n /application.xml and WEB-INF/i18n/application_en .xml).

Ribbon file

In the file cms-ribbon-default.xml you need to import the ribbon specific to the training offer.


Depending on the plugins ODF used and the import/synchro mode, the import differs. Refer to the table below to find out which file to import.

Plugin ODF

Plugin ODF-Web

Plugin ODF-Sync




CDM-fr global

















































To integrate the training offer into the tree structure of your site (Plugin ODF -Web), you need to add a button in the ribbon to position the root of the training offer.

In the org.ametys.cms.page.Tab tab of your cms-ribbon-default.xml file, add the following button:

<control id="org.ametys.odf.web.page.Root"/>


Each application must have its own plugin defining the workflow actions available. You can find an example of plugin here http://viewvc.ametys.org/viewvc/trunk/templates/odfweb/trunk/webapp/cms/plugins /default-odf-workflow/

Workflow files depend on the plugins odf used. Refer to the table below to download the workflow files corresponding to your configuration.

Place workflow files in your application's WEB-INF/param directory


Plugin ODF

Plugin ODF-Web

Plugin ODF-Sync

















The workflow file workflows.xml must reference the 4 workflow files:

<workflow name="course" type="file" location="workflow-course.xml"/>
<workflow name="program" type="file" location="workflow-program.xml"/>
<workflow name="orgunit" type="file" location="workflow-orgunit.xml"/>
<workflow name="person" type="file" location="workflow-person.xml"/>

Runtime file.xml

If you use plugin ODF -Web, disable the odf/link-resolver feature.


If you use plugin ODF -Sync, disable the feature odf/init


Import and synchronization

This chapter only applies to you if you are using plugin ODF -Sync

If you're using plugin ODF -Sync, you'll need to choose the import and synchronization mode (Apogee or CDM-fr) and set the parameters according to your application.

List of synchronizable fields

For each entity (training, teaching units, etc.), the WEB-INF/param/odf-synchro.xml file lists the fields that can be synchronized with the Apogée database or the CDM-fr file.

Download a sample odf-synchro file.xml


Application configuration for Apogée

Import is performed from the institution's Apogée database. The import is carried out individually for each entity (Formations, Parcours, ELPs, Composants, Personnes, ...).

Synchronization is available for each entity individually or globally.

Runtime file.xml for Apogée

3 extension points to declare.


In the <exclude> ... </exclude>check that the features odf-sync/synchronization.apogee.datasource  and odf-sync/odf.rights.sync.others are not disabled. If they are, remove them from this section.

<runtime xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 




SQLMap mapping files

Queries on the Apogee database are described in SQLMap mapping files. These must be located in the application's WEB-INF/param/odf/apogee directory.

Download a sample mapping file SQL

Conversion files

These files are used to convert Apogée codes into Ametys codes.

They must be placed in the WEB-INF/param/apogee/code directory of your application:

Configuration parameters

 There are two Apogee-specific configuration parameters to initialize:

  • odf.apogee.administrative.year: Waits for a 4-digit year to define which year to import.
  • odf.sync.apogee.prevails: Expects a Boolean to define the priority of values between those in Apogee and those in Ametys

You will also need to configure access to the Apogée database.


Application configuration for CDM-fr (local mode)

In CDM-fr, import takes place from a XML file in CDM-fr format. All training offer entities (Courses, Paths, ELPs, Components, People, ...) defined in the file are imported if they do not already exist in Ametys.

Synchronization is available for a single course or globally.

Runtime file.xml for CDM-fr

There are 2 synchronization modes CDM-fr:

  • Globally: import and synchronization of training courses are performed on all known CDM-fr files.
  • File by file: import is performed on a single CDM-fr file. Synchronization can be performed on a single CDM-fr file or on all known CDM-fr files (global synchronization).

Configuration parameter

A single configuration parameter specific to the use of CDM-fr:

  • odf.cdmfr.search.repository: full path to a folder containing CDM-fr files.


Application configuration for CDM-fr (remote or portal mode)

In this mode, the training offer is synchronized with another remote ODF application.

Training courses are published on the portal via web services.

Runtime file.xml for CDM-fr (remote or portal mode)

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