Visualization tools in the back office

TheAmetys ODF back-office application allows you to view the organization of a training course: after performing a search (see Search engines page in the back-office), select the desired training course with a simple click. A Training tab opens in the ribbon.

In this tab, click on the Training Organization button:

A tab opens on the left-hand side of the application:

A tree shows the elements that make up the training; you can click on the + to open the tree:

The bachelor's degree consists of 3 years.

The 1st year consists of 2 semesters.

The 1st semester consists of 1 list ofELP.





The 2nd semester consists of 1 list ofELP.




The 2nd year consists of 2 semesters.


The 3rd year consists of 2 semesters.

Double-click on a tree element to view it in a tab on the right.

Please note that the display does not correspond to that of the website: only the content is shown, without the page's graphic organization (menus, banner, search engine...).



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