Creating a project space
To create a new project, go to the Catalog service on the home page of the catalog site.
The "New project" button is accessible to users with "Create project" rights in the General context of the catalog site.

To create a project you must choose :
- a title
- a description (optional)
- an illustration from an existing image gallery or a local image
- a theme (mandatory). Only "sheet" themes can be sectioned.
- keywords (optional) from the list of existing keywords or with the option of creating new keywords on the fly (which will be added to the list of existing keywords)
- project visibility (private, public with moderation or public)
Advanced options let you choose:
- language (default is the same as the catalog language)
- manager(s) (by default, the manager is the person who creates the project)
- modules to be activated (by default, all modules are activated)
Modifying/deleting a project
From the catalog site, each manager can modify or delete his or her projects.