Administration of project spaces

Rendez-vous dans l'interface administration de l'application (<URL du CMS>/_admin)  pour administrer les espaces projets

  1. General configuration
    1. Sites
    2. Member notifications
    3. Rights management
    4. Editing via OnlyOffice
    5. Chat and videoconferencing services
  2. Project space management
    1. Themes
    2. Keywords
    3. Creating / modifying / deleting project spaces
  3. Scheduled tasks dedicated to project areas
    1. Automatic reindexing of project members
    2. Periodic reindexing of the catalog site
    3. Synchronizing the chat server
  4. Back-office access for project managers
    1. Versions 2.10.x and earlier
    2. Versions 2.11.x and higher

General configuration

In the application's general configuration, a "Project areas" section is dedicated to project areas.

The exact configuration depends on your version ofAmetys and plugin Workspaces


Fill in here the name of the catalog site and the name of the site containing the member directory (usually the same).

Member notifications

Check the boxes if you want a member to be notified by email when he/she is added to and/or deleted from a project area.

Rights management

In this section, you define the profile identifiers that will be used in the project areas:

  • Available profiles: comma-separated list of profiles available for managing member rights on a module-by-module basis.
  • Default member profile: identifier of the rights profile automatically assigned to new members on all activated modules.
  • Default profile for project managers: identifier of the rights profile that will be automatically assigned to project managers in all modules.
  • Profile for new modules :
    • Default member profile: when a module is added, members have access to this module with their profile.
    • None: when a module is added, members have no access to it

You must enter the profile identifier, not the profile label. The identifier is all lower case and has no special characters.

Editing via OnlyOffice

If you have an OnlyOffice server, enter the necessary parameters:

  • URL OnlyOffice server
  • Internal back office address for communication between Ametys and the OnlyOffice server
  • Secret key: only if authentication has been set up on the OnlyOffice side

By default, only document preview is enabled, but you can choose to enable online collaborative editing too.

See Installing the OnlyOffice application

Chat and videoconferencing services

If you have a Rocket.Chat dedicated to Ametys and, if so, a Jitsi server, enter the following parameters: 

  • URL Rocket.Chat server
  • All-power user ID obtained during installation
  • All-power user token obtained during installation 
  • URL Jitsy vision server (optional)

See Installing the Rocket.Chat application and Installing the Jitsi application.

If you activate Rocket.Chat integration on a Ametys server already containing project spaces, you need to launch the synchronization task once configuration is complete.

Project space management

From the "Administration" tab, click on "Project areas" to access the tool dedicated to project areas.

The tool lists existing project spaces


A project must be linked to one (and only one) theme.

The first step is to define your themes.

Click on "Themes" to open the theme management tool.

Each theme is associated with a color.

The themes are hierarchical. However, only "leaf" themes can be assigned to a project.


Click on "Keywords" to open the keyword management tool.

Keywords are keywords that can be associated with a project.

You can define a list of keywords here.
Keywords can also be added on the fly by project managers when creating/editing a project.

Creating / modifying / deleting project spaces

You can create / modify or delete a project space from the administration interface.

However, we recommend that you always create a project from the catalog site.

A project is always associated with a site, visible in the Site tool. To give access to a project's back-office to anyone other than the project managers, you'll need to use the "Sites" tool.
However, NEVER delete a project site from this tool, as thiswould delete the site without deleting theproject. This would delete the site without deleting the project.
Always delete a project from the "Project Areas" tool (or the Catalog service).

Scheduled tasks dedicated to project areas

Automatic reindexing of project members

In the general configuration, in the "Search and indexing" section, you can activate periodic re-indexing of all project members.

It is advisable to activate it to ensure search consistency across project members.
Choose an indexing time that corresponds to low use of the application.

Periodic reindexing of the catalog site

Read access to news items on the catalog site depends on several parameters: the news item's author, the news item's themes and keywords, and the themes and keywords of the projects to which the user belongs.

Depending on these parameters, a user may or may not have access to a catalog news item from the Catalog home page.

To ensure that the news accessible by a user from the catalog site home page corresponds to the current state of the themes/key words of the associated projects, we recommend scheduling a regular reindexing of the catalog site.

To do this, in the "Task Scheduler" tool, create a new "Site reindexing" task by choosing the catalog site and a CRON expression (e.g.: 0 0 2 * * ? * for all nights at 2h or 0 0 0/2 * ? * for every 2h)

NOTE: If you have activated "Automatic reload of rights cache Solr" in the general configuration, there's no need to schedule a re-indexing of the catalog site every night. Reloading the rights cache will have the same effect.
In this case, schedule the catalog site to be re-indexed only if you wish to do so more regularly (every 2 hours, for example).

Synchronizing the chat server

This task resynchronizes Ametys and Rocket.Chat for users and chat rooms.

You need to run this task if

  • the Rocket.Chat server has been configured at Ametys , even though project spaces already exist.
  • the Rocket.Chat server was unreachable for a period of time, resulting in desynchronization
  • you notice a desynchronization of certain information between Ametys and Rocket.Chat (username, email, avatar, chanel with too few or too many members)

Under normal circumstances,

  • when a member is added to a project space, his or her Rocket.Chat account is automatically created if necessary
  • when modifying a member record, the associated Rocket.Chat account is automatically modified

When you run the task, check the error logs to ensure that all accounts have been created correctly and added to the correct chat rooms. The avatar synchronization error is a warning.

Back-office access for project managers

Versions 2.10.x and earlier

In versions 2.10.0 or lower, a project manager automatically has access to the back-office of his or her project(s).

In the back-office, he has access to the functionalities authorized to him via the rights carried by the default manager profile (defined in the configuration parameters).

Versions 2.11.x and higher

As of version 2.11.0, project managers' access to the back-office is protected by a new "Access back-office" right in the "Project area administration" category.

To access the back office, this right must be given to a project manager (via a rights profile) in the "General (site)" context of the catalog site.

By default, a project manager does not have access to the back-office of his or her project(s). The assignment described above must be made manually.

In the back-office, he will then have access to the functionalities authorized to him via the rights carried by the default manager profile (defined in the configuration parameters).

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