Each member of a project is associated with a user file.

To do this, your user populations must be synchronized via user directory synchronization from a population Ametys, by choosing the "Project member" content type.

For users who register voluntarily, the user file is created by the Registration department.

  1. Directory root page
  2. Member profile
    1. Rendering a member file
      1. Skills and keywords
      2. List of projects
      3. Similar profiles
  3. Access to member files

Directory root page

Create a directory page (blank or editorial).

Select the page and click on the "Directory root" button in the "Page" tab of the ribbon .

Set the root to the "Project member" content type.

The page will automatically contain all member records.

You can tag this page with the label Special pages > Footer to make it accessible from the footer.

Member profile

The plugin workspaces provides the "Project member" content type (org.ametys.plugins.workspaces.Content.member.xml) to be associated with project space members.

By default, a member has the following fields:

  • Name (plain text)
  • First name (plain text)
  • Photo (image)
  • Role or function (plain text)
  • Mission (plain text)
  • Company or structure (plain text)
  • Company acronym (plain text)
  • Landline (plain text)
  • Cell phone (plain text)
  • E-mail (plain text)
  • Social links (twitter, facebook, linkedin, ...)
  • Other link
  • Skills (listed field)
  • Keywords (enumerated field)
  • Professional history (rich text)
  • Leisure (rich text)

Like any other type of content in Ametys, this type of content can be overloaded in your application to add or remove fields.

Rendering a member file

The member page uses the "user-page" template.

The organization of fields in this form is based on the "main" view model. By default, this is defined as follows:

<!-- Main -->
<cms:metadata-set name="main" type="view">
    <cms:fieldset role="fieldset" name="header">
        <cms:label i18n="true">PLUGINS_WORKSPACES_CONTENT_MEMBER_FIELDSET_HEADER</cms:label>

        <cms:fieldset role="fieldset" name="info">
            <cms:label i18n="true">PLUGINS_WORKSPACES_CONTENT_MEMBER_FIELDSET_INFO</cms:label>
            <cms:metadata-ref name="title"/>
            <cms:metadata-ref name="firstname" />
            <cms:metadata-ref name="lastname" />
            <cms:metadata-ref name="user" />
            <cms:metadata-ref name="function" />
            <cms:metadata-ref name="mission" />
            <cms:metadata-ref name="organisation"/>
            <cms:metadata-ref name="organisation-accronym"/>
            <cms:metadata-ref name="illustration" >
                <cms:metadata-ref name="image" />
                <cms:metadata-ref name="alt-text" />

        <cms:fieldset role="fieldset" name="contact">
           <cms:label i18n="true">PLUGINS_WORKSPACES_CONTENT_MEMBER_FIELDSET_CONTACT</cms:label>
           <cms:metadata-ref name="phone" />
           <cms:metadata-ref name="mobile" />
           <cms:metadata-ref name="email" /> 
           <cms:metadata-ref name="social-link" />
           <cms:metadata-ref name="other-link" />

   <cms:fieldset role="fieldset" name="main">
        <cms:label i18n="true">PLUGINS_WORKSPACES_CONTENT_MEMBER_FIELDSET_MAIN</cms:label>
        <cms:metadata-ref name="skills" />
        <cms:metadata-ref name="professional-history"/>
        <cms:metadata-ref name="keywords" />
        <cms:metadata-ref name="hobbies" />

   <cms:label i18n="true">plugin.web:PLUGINS_WEB_VIEW_MAIN</cms:label>
   <cms:description i18n="true">plugin.web:PLUGINS_WEB_VIEW_MAIN_DESC</cms:description>

In the header, you'll find fields from the "header" fieldset, with fields from the "info" subfieldset in the left-hand column and fields from the "contact" subfieldset in the right-hand column.

In the main area, you will find the fields from the "main" fieldset

To redefine the organization of the member form, simply redefine the "main" view.

Each user can modify his or her file from the front office.

Skills and keywords

In a member's file, skills and keywords are reference tables.

List of projects

In a member's profile, projects correspond to the public or moderated projects to which the consulted member belongs. Private projects are not visible.

Note that if a user consults his own file, he can access his projects from his file.
Projects are not clickable for other users.

Similar profiles

The right-hand side of a member file includes a "Similar profiles" area.

These are members who have skills and/or keywords in common with the member consulted.
Members with the most skills/keywords in common are displayed first.
The maximum number of members displayed here is 6.

Access to member files

To enable your users to access member records and search for members in the directory, remember to give them read rights to directory content:

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